Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Good morning everyone. It is finally Friday, the week has been long and draining, now I am looking forward to relaxing and sleeping for more than 3 hours.
There are at least two ways to get treated well: be incredibly vindictive or worthy of respect.
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When you love making shit so much you feel like crap otherwise.
I feel this. I have to be busy building
Anyone have an idea with what’s going on with the mempool/tx fees? I’ve taken a look and it appears to be very few Ordinals. Something else is going on. Any ideas?
Update from myself: I did not consider all this extra hash power (+25%!) coming on line to get a piece of these crazy fees, 8-10 blocks an hour right now!
Still, would like to know the source of it all.
I've been doing IF this week and it's nice to have some structure to my eating again.
Working long days with a 1+ hour roundtrip walking commute (now 1.5) made my eating window on average 14 hours. I've gotten it back to around 10.
I'd like to restrict food types next. Then maybe I'll get back to yoga. It's been fun neglecting my health for the last year but I can already see where this goes.
I layered dry fasting on top of my normal IF. I highly recommend it, unless you have super low body fat.
I've never done dry fasting. Lots of water fasting though.
I have plenty of fat. I'll have to give it a shot at some point.
I only recently learned about it, but basically water is one of the products of metabolizing stored fat, so you don't need to drink extra water. There are supposedly benefits of producing water internally, beyond just burning body fat, like flushing out intercellular junk.
Thank you for the tip, with the lifestyle we live these days it is difficult to lose weight so any tip that can help me lose some weight is welcome.
I don't know if you already have a fasting schedule you like, but I basically stop eating and drinking around 6:00 pm and then just put off eating and drinking until later in the next morning.
Most diets fail because they're unpleasant to follow, so I take it pretty easy with this stuff.
It also makes sense in terms of all the framing that fasting is presented in: giving the body a rest. My wife already gives me enough crap about the color of my pee though lol
My wife already gives me enough crap about the color of my pee though lol
Well that certainly won't change.
@k00b and other devs in the know: can you explain why GraphQL is positioning itself as good for APIs? Is it bc a client can request stuff without having to care so much about how the schema are designed, without having to hit as many endpoints, etc? Or are you doing graph algorithms someplace in there, computing PageRank, centrality measures, etc?
I view it like a standardized RPC interface. As a standard, there a bunch of amazing tools and libraries and features you get for free that you'd otherwise have to provide yourself. (e.g. our entire clientside cache is a GraphQL cache. I haven't written any special caching code from scratch ... the clientside library just has it baked in.) I've found GraphQL to be the easiest API to build and use once you get over the learning curve.
REST's main strength is a flat learning curve, but once an API gets sufficiently complex, it's a total pain to maintain.
GraphQL's abstraction seems to scale constant or logarithmic in terms of mental overhead as new "endpoints" are added. While something like REST or even a bespoke RPC interface scales at least linearly in mental overhead. ie I add new GraphQL endpoints with relatively little trepidation.
How can you see what endpoints are supported? You linked here yesterday, but how to tell the things that you can ask for? For REST stuff you'd get a list of them; is it meant to be something I can infer somehow, based on the schema you provided?
These are all the item endpoints or queries in graphql terms.
extend type Query { items(sub: String, sort: String, type: String, cursor: String, name: String, when: String, from: String, to: String, by: String, limit: Int): Items item(id: ID!): Item pageTitleAndUnshorted(url: String!): TitleUnshorted dupes(url: String!): [Item!] related(cursor: String, title: String, id: ID, minMatch: String, limit: Int): Items search(q: String, sub: String, cursor: String, what: String, sort: String, when: String, from: String, to: String): Items auctionPosition(sub: String, id: ID, bid: Int!): Int! itemRepetition(parentId: ID): Int! }
If I wanted to get 100 of your most recent posts for instance, I'd query for them like this:
query items(name: 'elvismercury', limit: 100) { id createdAt title text }
curl --request POST \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --url '' \ --data "{\"query\":\"query { items(name: \\\"elvismercury\\\", limit: 100) { id createdAt title text }}\"}"
{"errors":[{"message":"Cannot query field \"id\" on type \"Items\".","locations":[{"line":1,"column":51}],"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"}},{"message":"Cannot query field \"createdAt\" on type \"Items\".","locations":[{"line":1,"column":54}],"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"}},{"message":"Cannot query field \"title\" on type \"Items\".","locations":[{"line":1,"column":64}],"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"}},{"message":"Cannot query field \"text\" on type \"Items\".","locations":[{"line":1,"column":70}],"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"}}]}
Thoughts? (for the sake of PoW, I tried to troubleshoot already, but I don't know what I'm doing, so I'll omit the flailing.)
Oh I oversimplified that example (accidentally).
This should do it:
query items(name: 'elvismercury', sort: 'user', limit: 100) { items { id createdAt title text } }
One more on all this stuff.
I wanted to play around with some queries without obsessing over how many \\ I need to escape quotes from bash, so I went here and put in the server you mentioned yesterday as the endpoint:
It can't connect. It seems like it should be able to connect, but maybe I'm doing something really dumb. If so, is there some other tool that would let me run queries in a less frictiony way that I could use?
That did indeed do it. Exciting!
Edited because I forgot we have to include sort: user for back compat.
Howdy y'all! In addition to the cowboy hat and the BTC Mask, I also made me a BTC ring... and now I can really feel the power of the ring 🤣 I wear the ring from time to time and it has engaged me into very cool bitcoin conversations with strangers... its a very powerful ring y'all lol
Scared, enslaved, freed with paper
Greetings!!! Its Thursday, the weekend is almost here so it's time to crank it up and give it our best, the week went quite fast so no fret my friend, just breathe and get things done, one step at a time, always forward, always. Remember that you matter and what you do matters as well, you're important and never forget that. I wish you a phenomenal Thursday and lots of success in your goals. Be well and stay frosty my friend.
Roll on the weekend!
You knooooow it!!!!
Back to my highest cowboy streak again, here's to many more days
Yeehaw partner!
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Living the Bitcoin dream, grinding, stacking fit a better future fir myself and my family! Let’s grow and go!
Day 208 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 8 push-up(s).
@orthwyrm you should really add some squats to your pushup regimen, it really changes the vibe.
Also: what's your plan for when you can't do all the pushups in one set? Multiple trips to the bathroom, or something else?
I considered squats / bodyweight rows for variety but figured I'd keep the challenge simple for now!
I didn't have sets in mind when I started, the goal is just to get all pushups in. It's easier to get it all done and dusted in the mornings though.
I dunno what your current state of fitness is, but it will be pretty interesting to see how long before 1 set doesn't do it :)
I guess only one thing at a time has its virtues -- you're going to need something to do once btc crosses $100k, after all.
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…
__@_'-' is in the building.
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Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand says: don't you see?
Oh yeah. When those guys put out the flavor, they sent a whole bunch of pints to me. I loved it. It's really good. I thought it was kind of cool, too. You know? Then, the lawyers for the band started bugging me. Did they have permission? You know, all that fucking lawyer crap. I didn't care one way or another. Eventually the lawyers worked out a royalty thing. I think my wife and all the people who fought over my estate still get paid.
Howdy Bartender, do you take bitcoin or are the drinks (and pickled gherkins here) free?
Those gherkins have been here since we were on the gold standard… order one at your peril
The gherkins too?!?
How old are your nutz?
They came in 16.20hrs
Sorry, I mean 1620. That’s why they are called Pilgrim Peanuts.
We're heading the bill at Stacker Stand up next door folks...
We'll be behind the chicken mesh curtain.
Drinks are free for the first hour. After that, its two for the price of one. So, enjoy!
You getting paid hourly for this? Where do your tips go - looks like in this old pickled gherkin jar... 🥒⚡
I'm a volunteer barman. I work for tips ;)
I'm a professional Bitman. I work for the citizens of Gotham. Make mine a lemonade - a double!
Waiter, there's a snail called @orthwyrm in my drink... said it needs 100k calories of sugar before noon.
I only have 99.99k calories. Will that suffice?
A double whisky please. Should we celebrate😃? Look at the mempool again. High fees are back. More ordinals? Did you all managed to consolidate utxos and open lightning channels?
double whisky please
Coming right up.
Thank you sir. Do you accept bitcoin? I swear this one is clean, directly from the miner 😃
Thank you Mr. Mousy. I do accept them Bitcoins.
The west will continue to lead by example. For a long time they showed how to do things. But going forward they will show how not to do things. They will make everyone else look good.
So disaster is coming to the west. The idea of a free and open society is going to break down. But maybe only in the west. The looting will spread like wild fire and it will take generations to stabilize. There will be pockets of stability in the west, the trick is to find them if you intend to stay. Urban areas are absolutely not safe. Thats all. Have a nice day.
Any sign of the snail workout warrior?
__@_'-' just arrived.
Patients grasshopper Lol.
I’m waiting for a snail… patience isn’t the problem lol.
True that!
Here we go again.
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The less you do, the less you feel like doing. 20 years ago I could accomplish much more in a day, and I don't think I was always complaining about it.
I know how you feel. It also comes down to motivation. I struggle to find the motivation the older I get. When I was younger, I had the will power to knock down walls to achieve my goals. But now I have to dig really deep to go for some of my goals. Maybe its because of all the failing in the past. Or maybe I'm just getting very lazy the older I get.
I think for me laziness is an issue, but I also now get this weird anxiety about getting the work done. I blow the difficulty of the task way out of proportion in my mind, and also the time it will take.
Yes. I think that's called procrastination. I'm good at that, Lol. But I know people that are even better at that them me.
I always thought of procrastination as avoiding the stuff you don't want to do and doing the stuff you enjoy first, but I never looked up the definition. Not that it matters! Here I am looking shit up rather than getting to work.
Here I am looking shit up rather than getting to work.
This right here is the antithesis of procrastination. I do this all the time. Lmfao.
How can you earn 10 bitcoins today and never have to wake up for work again? :)
You can convert your monthly salary into Bitcoin. Work part-time on freelance websites for Bitcoin. Add value on SN. Mine Bitcoin. Im sure others can add more to this list.
all this in one day ? impossible, but thanks for the tips :)
Apologies. I didn't see the part where you said 'today'. I don't think I have any ideas.
me neither
Are you asking because you need 10 bitcoins or is a hypothetical question?
Everyone needs 10 bitcoins :) ahahahah but yes, it's a hypothetical question
I don't need 10 bitcoins. I need 11 bitcoins ;)
The bulls are having their way with the bears lately.
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Lmao. That's why its best to grow your own food ;) That's if you don't want to look like Mr. Bull over here.
Hence why future generations are getting so much bigger!