Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Just had a thought about how SN is a little bit like the combination of "reddit" with posts and votes, and "twitter" with the feed-like daily Saloon.
What if in the future, subs could "build" a new saloon for that sub, a new daily post for people to talk in. I don't think one general saloon scales to the amount of pioneers that I foresee on the horizon
<25 000 blocks remain until halving
Stacking all the way to cold storage the diamond hands way!
Hot shit alert: 2 for 5 throwing spent nicotine gum wrappers into a 6 inch bowl 10 ft away from where I'm working today.
3 for 7 now
... and I just created my first territory locally.
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Ok, thank you. I'll try it next time.🐈
I just got a notification that I lost my cowboy hat and my heart sunk.
Fortunately, it was from my local instance of SN where I do development whew
269 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 2 Nov 2023
lol, the exact same also happened to me once
and then I really lost my cowboy hat one day, haha
still hurts btw
time does not heal every wound it seems ...
but that's not even real, how about this
Yours looks nice but have you seen those bright AI colors.
I sincerely and nicely say: fuck AI.
Lol. That's funny. AI will exponentially increase the technological progress humanity will make in the next 100 years. Just like Bitcoin, AI is inevitable.
AI is inevitable.
when you say that you are literally saying "communism is inevitable"
What does communism have to do with AI?
Many things:
  • control the narrative, the data, the history, the education
  • control the people
  • control the human free thinking, human creativity
The fact that you still don't see the connection prove my point.
I don’t remember where I heard this, (maybe SN’s Q3 update live call?) that the goal is to increase the max forwards on a post from 5 to 10 to help facilitate better round table discussions. IIRC I made that maximum a constant so hopefully this is a one line change 🤞
I’m also not sure why I just remembered this lol
Yes, you heard right!
Good morning everyone!!! Happy day of the dead, here in México we celebrate our dead and leave them offerings like food and drinks on a shrine we make for them or on their grave. It's an awesome tradition. Anyways, I apologize for yesterday it was busy, had to setup the shrine and the horror house for my students. So I didn't have enough time to post but I did send you some good vibes like always. The weekend is almost here, let's step it up and give this week our best. Have a wonderful Thursday and be well and stay frosty my friend.
One of TheWildHeaters just broke.......
lol, its probably not a good sign when the battery fan starts breaking apart, sending blade fragments through the this point I should stick to the one that works and stop messing with it.
Oh yeah lol
Morning folks! Final reminder, there's been a lot of discussion over at the book club and there's so much room for anyone to poke and prod and give their perspectives on some giant topics.
I got a little carried away, maybe, with the prompts, and kept adding them till late in the evening, so if you checked in early, there's more to sink your teeth into. But this part of the book was really eye-opening, so I regret nothing. If you want to have hot takes to deploy this Thanksgiving, part 3 is where it's at for sure.
Thanks to everyone who took part, and to the zappers, who have been generous again!
I'm going to drop by this evening again!
I like to really mull over the questions and I write really slowly.
Running late. Not that anyone was waiting but I’m going to pop in after dinner.
I will check it out. When the book came out I read it, but I started again after you began the book club, reading more critically knowing you will pose challenging questions. I'm not quite caught up to where you are now. I can see these posts having a long life. If something occurs to me in the future I will want to discuss it further. Thanks once again for doing this.
The specifics of this book club aside, I think the "long life" idea is really interesting. I would like it to have a long life too, if only so that people like you can find the posts when you want them, and feel like it's useful to participate in the discussion even once the smoke has cleared. Many topics -- both in and out of the btc space -- strike me as benefiting from the evergreen model.
This is really the opposite from the normal message board / forum / social media thing, where content goes stale immediately. But what social and technical developments could support such an interaction model? I don't think anyone really knows. Quora does it, I guess; Stackoverflow; and blogs. But SN does not fit any of those models.
Plus the desire for evergreen-ness is my own value, not a value that I know that the SN peeps necessarily hold, in which case the question becomes: can the thing I want be brought into existence through my own behaviors, with no special efforts by the people who are building the platform? Hmmm.
@siggy47 and others hack around our limitations in this respect through their bios:
Some casual random ideas:
  1. a wikipedia-like explore page
  2. lists as first class citizens ie...
    • lists ranked, browsable, and zappable
    • lists that can contain lists
  3. better 'related' content recommendations
  4. add an 'explore related' action to any piece of content even comments
  5. make linking/searching past content native to the editor ... kind of like @
These are great. I like @siggy47's method a lot -- generally, I love when people find ways to use what's there in creative ways, and he did.
Other than that, I like all your ideas, esp #5. Being able to fluidly talk about and refer to other things is so key -- I think of it as capital formation: building new, more complex, and more valuable goods out of simpler goods.
I think perhaps a lower-hanging fruit that might support a number of these things is a kind of 'scrapbook' feature, where you can save little pieces of things: posts, comments, your own thoughts as pertain to those things. The existing notifications tab is kind of a poor man's version of this, for me -- I remember things that I've said or replied to, and they're in notifications, so that's how I find them again when I want to talk about them. Seems relatively easy (compared to the others) to do a half-baked version of that.
I guess I could just do that manually, with a text file or something? Maybe I'll try that and see how it works. Although I guess that's not a very good solution for the average user.
Although I guess that's not a very good solution for the average user.
Definitely not.
The existing notifications tab is kind of a poor man's version of this, for me -- I remember things that I've said or replied to, and they're in notifications, so that's how I find them again when I want to talk about them.
This is interesting! I don't really use my notifications like that. I do go to my profile to look for my recent stuff though. hmmmm

Please share whatever you come up with! I find you guys invent better solutions for yourselves via hacks than whatever we'd come up with.
A few stackers put their first item number in their bios like, "I've been on stacker news since #1120" so we added that to everyone's profile. Likewise, seeing everyone organize their favorite posts on their bios has us thinking of building a feature to better support that.
Non-custodial staking via merkle proofs is pretty cool (Angle labs)
It's not too late to get in on our NBA In-Season Tournament Survivor Pool.
There's no buy-in. Just show up, make your picks, and try to win the pot (5k sats and growing).
Having a weird data connectivity issue on my Pixel. I have to use an old laptop for my SN surfing. I'm uncomfortable.
I am the way around: using SN only on desktop and barely on mobile. I do not like to use mobile for this stuff. My mobile is exclusively for paying / receiving sats over LN and few calls. Nothing else.
Frustrating. Never tried old school SN posting..
And I I read your comment in the style of a speedy 1920s newscaster reading the wires. Finished with ‘Siggy may resort to carrier pigeons. Stay tuned for more updates.’
There was a time a while back when I would only post on my laptop. Now I'm a fish out of water. I feel like I am missing out on all the wisdom and fun I find on here. I even miss the crap.
You do lose the accessibility that comes with a smartphone. I wonder how the quality of posting would be if we could only post from computers. The power would lie with the idle-at-work desk jockeys I guess…
You are stronger than you think
I wonder if we will have a weekly post by @Natalia about onboarding merchants in her nomad journey.
That will be a real "Satoshi work" !
weekly post
Most likely not, haha - I like to keep things unplanned and flow naturally as it goes, but I would def keep pilling merchants.
randomness in life is good, I agree. the post was just to wake you up 😂😂😂
I got up quite early today! but in a quiet mode - improving/thinking kind of mood.
How many times you break "the laws"? It should be a norm for any real bitcoiner to not just break the laws but to FUCK THE LAWS!
Awake and appropriately motivated, sir!
May the sats be with you!
There I was completely wasting, out of work and down All inside it's so frustrating as I drift from town to town Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die So I might as well begin to put some action in my life
Breaking the law, breaking the law
So much for the golden future, I can't even start I've had every promise broken, there's anger in my heart You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too
Breaking the law, breaking the law
You don't know what it's like
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Day 201 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 1 push-up(s).
🫡 1 is better than none.
Lol. Someone upped the ante :)
Yes. Every day I will do one additional push-up, so I will be hitting 100 push-ups / day by the time we get to day 300.
Ah, I was thinking a pushup at a time, so you'd have to be able to do 100 pushups in a row in 100 days. I tried that last year and didn't make it.
But I'm with you on the 1 additional per day! I'm going to do it right now. And I'll raise you 1 sit up, too.
Yes, my plan is:
  • 1 push-up on day 201
  • 2 push-ups on day 202
  • ...
  • 99 push-ups on day 299
  • 100 push-ups on day 300
I can do more than a handful per day already, but this is just to establish the routine.
I will not commit to adding sit-ups just yet, but if I hit my target then I'll add a new exercise on day 301!
Well, training should be progressive so a great challenge.
I was thinking of a press up for every 1k price move but a couple of God-candles and you could really hurt yourself lol.
I'm creating a gif on Tenor about the Tyson Fury knock down
What a crazy fight. So happy for Francis. Fuck Dana White.
PSA: Our bodies are overloaded with carbohydrates and its leading to the brain not working optimally among other things. You may not even know you are overloaded with carbs. But you will know the difference after you fix it if you do.
I’ve been doing a keto diet for about 6 or 7 weeks. I can’t quite describe the difference, but there certainly is one!
If you really are doing keto i tip my hat to you. (Less than 50g of carbs per day) because that seems like a big effort. I think im between 50-100g of carbs per day
I can’t say that I’ve made it under 50 every single day, but on a vast majority of days I do, and those that I don’t, I don’t go over by much. It has been a challenge, but I am seeing results in the weight loss category, which was my original goal. So thank you!
Sitting here in Limbo Waiting for the dice to roll
"...Out of the night that covers me Black as a pit from sole to sole I thank whatever Gods may be For my unconquerable soul!"
I just read the poem. I don't know anything about this Henley guy, but I don't know much about poetry in general.
Learned it by heart when pledging my fraternity many moons ago
Cold, clear, dark morning. As I put out the garbage I imagined my first alien encounter.
From an unknown land and through distant skies came a winged warrior. Nothing remained sacred, no one was safe from the Hellion as it uttered its battle cry... Screaming For Vengeance.
We having a beautiful sunny day today with no cloud in sight. Not too hot either. Just perfect.
I envy you!
I have heavy rains for 2 weeks in a row. Not a single day stopped raining. The river next to my house is now over blown at levels never seen before. And will have rains until Monday, FFS. I am really tired of these rains.
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I stopped working on my citadel end of september because of these rains. You can't work in a mud and also to fill up the earthbags you need a certain humidity level of the dirt, in order to be able to mold it correctly. If is too little you can add manually some water, but if it contains too much water, you are wasting your time.
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The "alien encounter" will come this time in form of CBDCs.
That won't surprise me. The little green men with antenna ears will.
Feels like summer.
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Yeah, had to work from home today. No way am I cycling in through 60 MPH winds lol
Trees down and flooding by me… no fun working outside!