Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Enjoying my BMW 420I that I bought one month ago. I really like, It is my first serious car 😂 Sounds amazing although it has the smallest engine
@k00b I wanted to add a comment to a line in github to ask a question but I don't see a way to do it w/o attaching to a commit, so I'm asking here...
Are the hadImgLink and hasImgLink props on this line still in use? I searched the codebase and as far as I can tell, those props are unused, which renders a lot of code dead in the EditFee area. Just wondering as I build out support for I can remove that logic if it's dead code, lmk.
I already removed that code in my image upload PR since I also realized it wasn't used. I replaced it with new code related to image fees.
OK, cool! I'll take a look at your PR. I might park my changes so as to avoid merge conflicts if it looks like it'll get messy.
PR is also ready for review now :) You need access to a S3 bucket to test however ...
But I wonder: do you think free 10 MB image upload per stacker per 24 hours is enough? I wanted to use a free limit which most stackers won't hit so they don't have to worry about fees too much. The fees are only there to prevent abuse. But it's hard to say when behavior deviates from normal behavior and becomes abusive. (/cc @Natalia)
You need access to a S3 bucket to test however ... ?
I wish I know how, haha 😳
do you think free 10 MB image upload per stacker per 24 hours is enough?
I'm not sure, maybe let's try this first? If hitting limits all the time, I would definitely report back🫡 Or the second option is how about cowboys have more free MB?
You need access to a S3 bucket to test however ... ?
I wish I know how, haha 😳
Oh, I realized I can just give you the link to my hosted version of SN :)
You can only login with lightning. Nostr should also work but I haven't tested it.
Since it uses a signet (not mainnet where sats have value), you need to send me the invoices so I can pay them for you (as explained in the post). I might be able to expose this so anyone can pay their own invoices. But for now, this should suffice.
Getting the invoices paid kind of works like closed beta access :)
Will create a post about this now.
yep, dead code. For a few months we charged to add images to content.
did anyone notice something different in SN? 🙋🏽
What did you notice?
I confess: this is for testing the red dot showing up speed 👀
Red dot notifications update rather quickly IMO.
Oh cause a few other things changed. Just small stuff though
My way of making decisions.
I try to picture what kind of life I want live, then I eliminate the things that do not serve that purpose, like I finally deleted Twitter today; I mean there are only limited hours in a day, don't you feel it's wasting so much time when you are trying to be on every platform? It's like your mind is everywhere - FOCUS could be a superpower ⚡️
Little Friday is here!!! The weekend is right around the corner, so time to step it up and give it our best of what's left of the week, two more days gang so hang in there, we've got this, you know you've got this and remember that you're important and what you do matters, if you're going through something difficult, know that it will pass and you will overcome this, you deserve happiness and tell yourself that everyday, you are loved and valued. I believe in you. I wish you all a phenomenal Thursday and may it be fruitful and successful. Be well and stay frosty!!!
Not long now!
Just keep on keeping on ad the weekend will be here before you know it, have a fantastic one buddy
Second LN node up ;) a little of focus time
@Alby @bumi can you change it so that rather than doing a popup when interaction is required, you get an indicator on the extension icon?
The popup is a lot sometimes.
thinking about opening a store called bear market/bull market
one half of the store is like grocery outlet
the other half is like erewhon
make space for chairs...
pure madness 😂😂😂
Mornin Stackers
I've succesfully run 100k this month, a little over 60 miles.
Submitting an issue on Github regarding the User manager API info.....never got that wallet to work, freaks.
Going to install the freshly printed cable chain and fan shrouds onto my printer, and then start printing the attachable tool box.
My Zaps from Zeuspay are stuck and cant get out, I have 10 zaps looking to be freed. Connecting zeus to my node with Lightning node connect is 10x smoother than REST.
My Mutiny wallet PWA broke, but seems like the desktop browser version is ok.
I'm jumping back into the Pleb Dev course, I've been bouncing between the replit course, nostr dev course, and random tutorials online.....
Should Apply to more jobs, Need to watch a few tutorials, Excited for more nostr market stuff/e-cash stuff And when is fedi beta coming out?
@oraltosun can we try to onboard more Turkish people to use RoboSats? I asked a few people and they all said never heard of it, ugh no wonder no one is there, and it seems most people love to use CEX.
When you said crypto to our people, the first thing they remember is Binance. Well, actually I'm not a regular Bitcoin buyer. I transfer other coins (shitcoins😸) I learned to Bitcoin. I never looked at Robosats closely before. But thank you for your acknowledgement on this issue. I think I will use this platform when I consider to buy Bitcoin regularly.
P. S. : It is sometimes hard to understand Turkish people. They think with their eyes. When they see everybody invest in Bitcoin, then they will absolutely invest in too.
I think I will use this platform when I consider to buy Bitcoin regularly.
hadi hadi.
It is sometimes hard to understand Turkish people. They think with their eyes. When they see everybody invest in Bitcoin, then they will absolutely invest in too.
and over emotional 🫢
Didn't you beleive what I say?
When you said crypto to our people, the first thing they remember is Binance.
this? ofc, that's my experience too.
I've cleaned up the cobwebs and leaves from the front of my place so I don't get a prize this year by accident.
***Incoming nonsense FUD: The US Senate Banking Committee just started hearings on illicit financing for terrorism. I predict much hot air.
Howdy all! Almost done with my fiat job for the week. Looking forward to a sat job in the future.
I'm working on some graphics using CorelDraw and I can say the application is very confusing
Have a great day stacking and zapping sats!
Still using 2016 Microsoft office suite at work
Tell you I am a Bitcoiner without telling you: I could not find any camera cover to replace my old ones, so I decided to make mine, it turned out to be unbelievably simple - you can just go to any copy shop to print it out, and done.
Also, many people are having trouble deciding which hardware wallets to choose from; how about just making your own? Not only can you learn more from the process, but you are independent from any companies.
I'm testing the Brave browser A.I Assistant LEO on Brave Nightly
Bitcoin is ripping! 📈 Race to the Lambo dealer! 🏎️ Check sats. Lamb kofta…🥙
His goals do not align… 18-stone man-baby ain’t getting in no Lambo….
Unless I'm mistaken, that guy is boogie2988 of former Youtube glory.
I mention this because a couple years back he blew through most of his savings gambling on shitcoins. No lambo indeed.
Interesting… damn shitcoiners
Hello cowboys
This place is getting more upscale clientele.
Pinkies out
Exactly! I had an alcoholic friend who actually used to put his pinky out while drinking in the divyest dives you can imagine.
I’m reminded of Michael Caine in the film Get Carter. He’s an organised crime enforcer returned to his home town in the north of England to investigate his brothers death.
He goes into a hard northern working men’s pub and orders a drink. As the barman walks away he snaps his fingers and says menacingly; ‘in a thin glass’ (all beer being served in heavy glass jars in those days… except in London)
Your British comedy mentions have me combing YouTube. There are a hell of a lot of free old movies on YouTube now.
Ditto for me checking for old songs you mention!
Time for us to find another bar then. I bet they start mopping up spills and doing hygiene related stuff. Start putting snacks on the bar as well. I’ll have to wear a tie. And pants. Bloody yuppies & hipsters moving in….
(Just a joke - everyone is welcome.)
They won't get rid of that old jar with the pickled eggs, I hope.
Lol. Some of those were laid when we were still on a gold standard…
Patiently waiting for @ekzyis to get the photo upload ready, then I can share more photos, using pasteboard is a bit annoying 😳
@Natalia did you visit the site of Kobekli Tepe?
not yet, I was planning to go this summer, but it didn't happen. But I would head to the east of Anatolia soon, it would be much easier to go from there.
I wonder what happen if you sleep one night there.
I don't think they let people sleep there? 😂😂😂 but I dare @DarthCoin to try!
Movies I have watched after hanging out in the saloon:
  • Gattaca
  • Johnny Mnemonic
  • Foundation
  • Mr. Nobody - if you are curious why @nemo named himself nemo
  • Jonesplantationfilm
sharing them so that you don't need to dig, and what else I should add on my to watch? 👀
add: Yellowstone, 1883 and 1923 series.
I second that recommendation. And 1883 just for Sam Elliott
done ☑️
Day 194 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Almost at the 200 mark…. Impressive stuff!
I sure hope this isn't automated!
No, it's very important this is done manually!
I can't verify it, but somehow I trust you. Nay, I believe in you. Believe in the snail.
Lotsa protests in my neighborhood concerning "The Current Thing".
__@_'-' me a river!
She was too pat to open And too cool to bluff.
Putting out the garbage in the dark. My dog amuses herself by startling the deer that I didn't even notice milling around.
I notice you are throwing the "garbage" only during the night. What kind of stuff are you hiding? Dead bodies, white powder, money bricks ? 😂😂😂😂
I'm always putting the garbage out in the dark in the fall. The pick up is really early, and if I put it out the day before the raccoons make a mess of it. And, of course, there is the issue of the dead bodies.
I found a secret video showing Siggy during the night task...
On my walks home, I pass a storm drain that always has racoons coming and going.
A woman leaves out a bunch of cat food in an attempt to feed a bunch of stray cats in the area, but the racoons seem to be eating most of it. Maybe she's actually feeding the racoons lol.
Racoons are both more numerous and skittish in Austin than they were where we lived in California. They'd only eat the grapes in our front yard in California. Here, we can't seem to keep them out of our trash and compost.
maybe the raccoons eat your cat...
I wouldn't be surprised! It's a legitimate possibility.
We also have coyotes and ringtails in our neighborhood occasionally.
I have watched this video many times! I watched it last week.
ah ok, make sense.
Is that wrong?
Not at all, is not wrong to get rid of bodies. They stink. I only wonder why during the night.
Fewer witnesses
This can only mean one thing. Where are you, you elusive apparition?
Nothing beats a bowl of homemade ramen on a cold day.
Noodle nice!
Thank you my friend.
Nice! Reminds me of my college days. Crappy ramen packs 4 for a dollar. Now I treat myself to a fancy bowl from a restaurant once in a while.
Sounds like you had an awesome college experience. Good memories are precious.
It was enjoyable. The best part is that the people I met are still my best friends 40 years later.