Putting out the garbage in the dark. My dog amuses herself by startling the deer that I didn't even notice milling around.
I notice you are throwing the "garbage" only during the night. What kind of stuff are you hiding? Dead bodies, white powder, money bricks ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
I'm always putting the garbage out in the dark in the fall. The pick up is really early, and if I put it out the day before the raccoons make a mess of it. And, of course, there is the issue of the dead bodies.
ah ok, make sense.
I found a secret video showing Siggy during the night task... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofp26_oc4CA
On my walks home, I pass a storm drain that always has racoons coming and going.
A woman leaves out a bunch of cat food in an attempt to feed a bunch of stray cats in the area, but the racoons seem to be eating most of it. Maybe she's actually feeding the racoons lol.
Racoons are both more numerous and skittish in Austin than they were where we lived in California. They'd only eat the grapes in our front yard in California. Here, we can't seem to keep them out of our trash and compost.
maybe the raccoons eat your cat...
I wouldn't be surprised! It's a legitimate possibility.
We also have coyotes and ringtails in our neighborhood occasionally.
I have watched this video many times! I watched it last week.
Is that wrong?
Not at all, is not wrong to get rid of bodies. They stink. I only wonder why during the night.
Fewer witnesses
This can only mean one thing. Where are you, you elusive apparition?