Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
gm stackers
Austin bitcoin design club!
anon feedback
gm kings
hanging at ABDC
Been noticing my subconscious playing with SN one liners lately:
Stacker News: the internet's invisible hand
My favorite one liner of all-time is Stripe's:
Stripe: increasing the GDP of the internet
Been busy on the layout to a bitoin focussed magazine. Also worked on a book cover. Did tons of writing. I'm beat. Gonna call it a day. GN frens.
"Alex Jones welcomes you to Swan"
the price matters.
for fiat maxis, yes
You are confusing purchasing power with price in fiat.
no, you have divergent opinions that conflict with one another.
saying "price doesn't matter" is borderline retarded to be quite honest.
A reminder meme for all noobs starting now with LN wallets...
good photo! but how about showing 3-5 wallets only, too much can be confusing? 👀 or people need to do the work themselves to figure out what they like?
this is my LN pilling preference:
  • noobs: WOS or Blink
  • middle level: Breez
  • more advanced: Blixt or Zeus with your own node
and these are only few wallets... #70725
Choose your wallets based on your own usage and situation you encounter using your BTC.
The notification in SN has been acting weird lately, and a bit slow.
For example, if I open a new SN tab and read the notification, the red dot in the old tab used to be gone once I read it, but it's still there now 🧐
Ah, I see. I don't want to blame @k00b but might be related to recent changes. Obviously not sure, just a guess.
Yep, I noticed it too. I know how I'll fix it. I'll try to push it tonight.
I'll fix this today. Forgot I had an event last night
Okay, just shipped it! Sorry about the promise - wait - promise - wait!
seems it's working, but a bit slow đŸ„ž like it took about 10 seconds for the red dot in the old tab went away
That's how it worked before 😅
yay, I need to test it!
ETH/BTC ratio is getting curb stomped, 0.051 and falling.
all there is to it
wen will the shitcoiners learn
“If a head is cut off, two more shall take its place” sadly they will always be there in some form
6 green candles in a row and looks like it will be another one. what was the record again? 8?
PSA: Zap high, zap often, and the universe will reward you.
I'm on my yummy tummy eggs and bacon-ey snack arc. Thriving. In my lane.
Hey hey hey gang, it's hump day, the middle of the week, time to reflect on how our course of action is going, if it's not positive time to change it and try a different approach, if it's going positive then keep on keeping on, things will be great my friend, have faith. Let's just give it our best and we will reap a good harvest (figure of speech). I wish you an amazing Wednesday and I wanted to thank you. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
If i write 08:20 you read it as 20 minutes past eight in the morning.
If i write 813785 you have no idea it is the block height until specified.
What unit/denomination or whatever could we use to understand it at a glance? bh?
813785 bh bh 813785 ... b813785h?
If i write 08:20 you read it as 20 minutes past eight in the morning.
Mhh, usually people add AM or PM, no?
If i write 813785 you have no idea it is the block height until specified.
Mhh, depends on context. If I see this number, it looks very similar to the number I saw the last time I looked at blockheight. So I think I could actually guess that the blockheight is meant. We also don't use any unit in our carousel at the top. It's just context and familiarity that tells you we mean blockheight.
Mhh, usually people add AM or PM, no?
I'm not American and we follow ISO8601 here hehe. 24h time. But I figured you'd figure it out either way ;)
We also don't use any unit in our carousel at the top
Which is what birthed this question because I couldn't figure it out for a long time, since everything was price related.
blocktime, height - h 813785h
Haha could work, there's little risk to misinterpret it as many hours.
I don't want to make a full post about this, but does anyone know anything about bit pay? The reason I'm asking is that my wife went to buy tickets for the new Scorsese movie and saw that bit pay was a payment choice. I then checked it out. I guess you create an account and you can make payments with bitcoin and a bunch of shit coins? I thought it was unusual to see that option, even though it's a crappy app.
Bitpay is the enemy of Bitcoin. I can list here a lot of reasons. Stay away from them.
I could tell once I googled the company. It is interesting that a major US theater chain is accepting bitcoin, though in a shitty way. Maybe it won't be long until we can pay on LN.
Bitpay hates LN because they were the main supporters of S2X in 2017 block size wars. Bitpay will never implement LN.
People should totally boycott Bitpay and Conbase.
Old Bitcoiners never forget the scammers
BTW, great link. Thanks
I didn't mean through bit pay. I meant a direct lightning payment to AmC Theaters.
They can do that but will have to implement their own payment processor with BTCPay server and dump any intermediary.
But many merchants are retarded and lazy.
Yeah. I won't hold my breath.
is there any LN tool that enable uploading photo and
  1. I get to control it and view all
  2. others can download them with few sats
  3. login with LN is getting there, but without 2&3 👀 I remembered @Alby was having a demo of a tool ( I forgot the name ) but then it went quiet.
Dealing with a recent cat cancer diagnosis. He’s only 10 years old, hopefully the medication will help keep him comfortable!
Best wishes. I know it's not the same, but my 9 year old dog was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer and given 6 months to live. We were heartbroken. She lived another 3 1/2 healthy years.
Thank you siggy, that does give me hope. I’m making it a priority to enjoy as much time with him as I can, every day is a gift
That's all you can do. As a pet lover every heartbreak I say never again, but I'm not happy without at least a dog and a cat in my life. People? Not so much. :)
I want to have a dog at some point in my life but it's not easy to tell if I am ready for it.
I asked the local animal shelter if I can walk some dogs to get experience but they only want experienced dog walkers since their dogs aren't easy to handle :(
It sounds silly but getting a dog changed my life. I was in my late 20s, having too much fun and no responsibilities. Getting that dog made me a caregiver to another being. I had to tend to her needs. Feeding, walking, etc. It made me more reliable and productive. The wild card is how much you wind up loving the critter.
Good luck. We just lost our dog recently. I feel for you.
Thank you 🙏
I hope so too!
Thank you 🙏
went to a health museum and collected some interesting information, but I'm still digesting them - people used to use food, drinks, herbs, sound, and smell to heal during the Ottoman time.
I've wondered for a while if there are health enhancing smells. Basically, are there compounds that are healthy to inhale the way there are compounds that are healthy to eat?
Yes, from what I learned there, people used to burn incense in the hospitals to calm the mind, e.g. jasmine, rose, gillyflower smell, etc. and different smell have different benefits; Food wise, I know that adding rose water to food is a normal practice, even till this day in Turkey, so something in common so far is rose?
Maybe I can try sharing more after I digested my notes.
At least you are keeping an eye on him. Thank you.
Looks like he's covering his scent for some reason. He's deleted most of his posts. I hope he hasn't gotten into trouble again with the Galactic Empire.
maybe he needs some rest after all the deleting, but SN got a bot for you now @nemo
Plenty of action today in the Monaco room at
Is lightning poker blocked in the US?
I don't know how to play poker but it looks cool. I like the table design and the fact that we can see the cards. Lightning use cases are increasing. I'm loving the progress being made.
adjusting time preference
Day 193 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Hurrah! It’s the colder weather slowing you down

Not unreasonable. I cycle ~20km for my daily commute and the cold weather makes me sleepy!
Are you a Lycra lout on your days off or just a cycle commuter? (I have been both)
I don't own a car so cycling is my main form of transport! I cycle most days.
deleted by author
__@_'-' LG!
__@_'-' power!
Going to hunker down here for a while. It's getting crazy out there.
Hunker down all you like buddy. And if anyone ask, I haven't seen you today ;)
Like Anchorman crazy? ‘.. there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident
I have to try Anchorman again. I found Will Ferrell really irritating for years. I'm starting to appreciate him a little more lately.
Small doses
 I haven’t seen half his films as I assume, perhaps unfairly, if you have seen one you have seen them all. I have similar feelings about Jim Carey

Exactly. I can't really warm up to either. I did find Jim Carey funny early on in "In Living Color" days, but I'm sure that show is dated and seems pretty offensive now.
I don’t recall seeing it. ‘Man On The Moon’ is excellent and it’s claimed tipped him over the edge.
I was a big Andy Kaufman fan. You either loved him or hated him. Carey did a good job. I actually like him better in his recent unhinged state. Maybe that's cruel.
We should have guessed that we both liked Andy Kaufman
 certainly surreal enough for us.
Not cruel as much as appreciative of the gift of his mania perhaps.
That's what I'm talking about. Does SN seem a little overwhelming since this little price run? I'm finding it tough to wade through all the detritus.
I am actually avoiding reading posts from anyone I don’t recognise. I don’t have time for other people’s faux excitement

Like lemmings charging, ‘Follow me! cries FOMO crowd 
.straight over the cliff

That gem deserved its own post.
Yes, we haven't seen SN in a bullmarket. Should be interesting.
I hope it's interesting, and not just chaotic. I have to learn to use mute more effectively.
Slightly more interesting than here then
Highlight of my morning has been the neighbours cat spying on me and putting sugar in my coffee instead of sweetener
 (that’s me putting sugar in my coffee, not the cat. That would be very strange.)
That would be one useful cat. I drink my weak US coffee black and unsweetened. I suspect you start with a stronger brew.
I grew up drinking tea
 these days it’s a double espresso injected into my eyeballs while attaching myself to a car battery. It takes that to get me jump started these days

I like to work all morning while gradually raising my blood caffeine levels.
Where’s the snail?
__@_'-' has arrived.
The cards ain't worth a dime if you don't lay them down.