Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
To maximize learning, fully admit your ignorance.
What is the distribution plan, if there is one yet?
Otherwise idk.
I'd like to sell them on SN but I'm kind of behind schedule as is so we might need to use another tool.
Bullish :)
I just noticed something: someone has been missing for more than 24 hours, and the hat seems gone too.
can you still remember the conversation mentioning about this intense moment? @nemo
so many cats.
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@nemo doesn’t need a hat… he has become the hat…
wait, maybe someone is using this trick too.!
He did say that real life was getting in the way. Or did I dream it? Is this real life? Am I becoming more @nemo? Very strange….
he did said it but I was actually mean @ekzyis have been missing more than 24 hours, or did he also using this trick? guess trm we would see!
Sorry about that - my mistake. @ekzyis has been away from SN for a few days but he was travelling. Hope he didn’t get lost on a workout though!
He's not responding to my dms either :/
Hopefully there will be a story at the end of all this..
we need to keep a caring eye on our SN dev.!
RIP Admiral Ozzel was really an undercover rebel…
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I feel like once you are fine letting go of everything, then no one can really control you, right? @DarthCoin
Yes. Once you let all your fear out, nothing can control you. Fear is eating you from inside. Stop worrying for the day of tomorrow. Let it be. For more you are worrying, your life will be more miserable, ugly and sad. Your projection into the future will have a big impact in your future actions. Find the balance between your feelings and projections and your life will be a nice journey. Life is a journey and not a race (to be the richest, the smartest, the stronger, the best in x whatever).
I need the weekend... right now.
what's stopping you from having all the weekends you want?
Work, mouse wheel
need to find something more passionate to work on, I sensed?
Lesson of today: NEVER put anything important on someone else's hand because reliable people are RARE, and nobody would care more than you.
And I noticed that many people don't understand why they got paid in the first place, exactly to solve problems! Hiring the wrong people would bring you more trouble in the end.
Chillin in a fiat job waiting out the bear market. Looking for brighter days ahead. Been down this rabbit hole almost 3 years
I did a user testing on a product I believe can check Web3 landscape but I can't talk about it as I signed an NDA
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Typing in SN is very slow recently, or is it my phone dying😨 does it work well for you when you hold the backspace to delete for example? Or just typing, the letters appear a second later.
I've also been experiencing this. I just figured it was my phone.
I've deployed the changes. Please let me know if they improved things!
Thank you fixing it. Typing works much better now :)
Thanks so much. Wasn’t sure if I fixed it
k00b and I discussed this yesterday: #281363
I don't have a device that exhibits the behavior though.
This seems to have helped quite a bit locally. Hard to say 100% because with the dev build running locally, my machine is a bit slow, but I do think I see a usability improvement.
I'll try to test it locally if I get a chance today
I'll try to look into this today if someone 😉 doesn't beat me to it.
yeah afaict every change is causing a rerender ... "hook 10 & 11 changed" ... I wish the profiler could name the dang things
Always parse hook names from source
I'm not sure I've pinpointed the exact issue, but making more use of useCallback and useMemo in the MarkdownInput and UserSuggest components seems to be helping locally. At least, I see fewer longer commits in the profiler
I suspect if might be enough to not setUserDropdownStyle and setMentionIndices on every change. These object literals each have a new reference and trigger a rerender even if the object is functionally identical.
Oh thanks. Sorry I just noticed it today here. It is worse if there are many comments on the page.
Don't apologize. I haven't experienced the problem for some reason so it's good to know several people are having the issue
Has there been consideration given to charge sats to change your nym? I wonder if that might help with the imposter issues with darth coin. @k00b
good idea, maybe the fist change cost 100 sats, second change cost 1000 sats, third change cost 10000 sats? etc
I don't think a honest pleb need to change so much of their nym, so charge more when they are changing more 😂😂
We've discussed it but haven't decided how it should work.
Should it be a flat cost for each edit?
Should changing to a shorter nym be more expensive than a longer name?
Should changing to a nym with a short hamming distance relative to other nyms be more expensive?
If I'm a new stacker, should I have to pay to establish my first chosen nym?
Good questions. Perhaps a GitHub issue to discuss how it should work would be good so folks can weigh in?
Yeah that makes sense
That would not help much. I'm afraid If they want to do it they will do it.
You’re probably not wrong, but at least they’d have to pay more to do it
Yes, cost is merely hurdle that some people will clear but the higher the hurdle the fewer that'll clear it.
The most interesting panel at BM conference until now is the one talking about LN with Christian Decker, Rene Pickhardt and @niftynei
Very very good discussion!
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Hey hey hey, it's little Friday!!! The week sure did go fast, it was a busy one but is a good one and it's not over yet so let's keep bringing our A game to this and everything we do, always have a big goal and little steps to get there and do one step at a time, you've got this because you're amazing my friend, I wish you an incredible Thursday and lots of success, as always, be well and stay frosty!!
And you. Every step forward is a step closer…
Of course!!! Always forward, backwards not even to get a boost or look back. Always towards the goal. Have a wonderful day my friend.
Early morning 5k, black coffee, and now I'm off to the fiat mines
I think we should get some saloon doors for the icon
They could swing open/close when you hover over the saloon
Nice. And when Yo try to leave like a real barfly after 4 hourse they ''swing'' You on the ground.
Day 180 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
The original and still the best!
Welcome __@_'-'
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A nice, juicy number to hit for sure.
A few stackers lately have been saying that they are a bit unwell, I guess mostly due to the weather change, so let's try to share some natural healing tips to help each other to be stronger, but it has to be from your first-hand experience - something you have verified.
Here are some of the things I have tried, and they work for me:
For simple cold Hot tea mixed with honey.
For sore throat Try mixing ginger, lemon with hot water and honey.
Also, whenever you are feeling unwell, eat less and sleep more, your body will do the work for you. And don't forget this: your body is way more powerful than you think - your body has been "learning" from all the past generations, and the force is within you.
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.
Other tips
  • avoid negativity: news, social media and toxic people
  • avoid dramas
  • avoid junk food
  • spend more time in nature
  • fill life with beauty, positivity and fun

And photo of today: can you guess what fun I'm trying to capture here?
Spicy food with lots of garlic and onions will bring down any inflammation you might be dealing with.
Get some midday sunlight outside. Most of us live in the northern hemisphere and as the Sun gets lower our bodies struggle to synthesize vitamin D.
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hardcore! I don't like onion or garlic, but they always find a way into my plate 🥸
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these little birds live inside the holes like a perfect fit, and their color so well blend in, magic!
Yo this my chill spot, some privacy please!!
wisdom from the birds:
learning how to blend in with your environment, not causing too much attention from the unwanted? haha
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slowly cutting out with fiat dramas and people
I think it’s corny that people are piling on Caroline’s looks in this whole FTX thing
Are you referring to the image where she's wearing a blue cap? That's the only current images I could find. I honestly don't see anything wrong with her looks.
Just in general. The internet has declared her ugly and now it’s nonstop jokes about her looks. She got duped in to this massive fraud and now her looks are internet joke fodder. Just a really tough spot to be in for her.
But SBF is no beau yet he doesn’t get nearly the bashing she gets from a look standpoint and he’s the crook in all of this.
Went to a wine tasting / wine lesson last night. Highly recommend doing a guided lesson if you already like wine.
The last time I went wine tasting I got wasted. No one told me, I had to spit out the wine when doing the whole wine tasting tour Lmao. Good times!
You can also do some online courses about wines on
‘Theft!’ Justice crying for new financial hope, lost to Central winds…..
How are your classes going? I'm glad to see you still have time for the daily haiku.
All good thank you. Lots of reading! I haven’t actually told any of my work colleagues though…
As an aside; I was reading a very entry level book on economics and quite unexpectedly they mentioned von Mises… almost took me by surprise seeing such a prominent Austrian economist being referenced.
That von Mises mention is surprising. When I was taking basic economics way too many years ago you would never gear of him or Hayek
Mises’ mention was for his article ‘Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth’
Hayek gets a mention for his time with Keynes at Cambridge University and the contrasts between them
Does anyone have a recommendation for a live international news channel in English that actually presents the news?
I'd guess for a channel to deliver live, 24 hour news they'd need a lot of staff and resources, and therefore big budget - difficult to be independent when you've got big backers.
If you're running on a skeleton crew a channel might just cut corners and repeat news everyone else is pushing and therefore stop being journalists any more.
The only independent set up that is of any quality is based in NYC. I used to listen to them all the time at work - I just read their headlines and interviews now for speed.
The show started small, first just audio, but now have a swish new studio and put out a one hour live show each weekday. They were a few blocks away from the twin towers on 9-11 and still kept broadcasting if I remember rightly. A few of the guys from The Intercept first cut their teeth there.
Maybe check them out:
Oh yeah. I assume you probably listened to WBAI radio? I am very familiar with them. Their news has a strong socialist slant, but I find myself listening or watching their YouTube channel as a distinct perspective. I must say they have been particularly good regarding recent middle east stuff.
Yeah, they're really good at reporting news from the middle east. They seem to get lots of academics on and get them to lay out what they know. I remember they had their own boots on the ground reporter during the Egyptian uprising.
Sadly, they don't seem to accept Bitcoin yet. They accept lots of other ways to support them including unwanted tech that they need in the studio.
They're broadcast on multiple radio channels nationwide - not just in NYC.
(You're right about YouTube too though! I used to download their show via torrents.)
As I always say: full trust in media if its about breeding dachshounds. Rest follows incentives and narratives of those in power. You should put together a menue of valuable accounts on 'x' to get first access. Like Mark knopfler once wrote a song: ''Private Investigation''...
News corporation are only after one thing, and that's profits. I won't go looking for news channels because all you're going to get is misinformation.
Lmao the state of western news. You probably need to do a linear combination of CNN/BBC and Al Jazeera to get something approximating news, but even then it's a crap shoot
For years now I find all the major news channels unwatchable. Besides the ridiculous propaganda, they all became boring as hell. Shorter and shorter repetitive loops.
Do you mean; Notable Events, Weather & Sport. I do not :(
Yes. That's what I mean. When I was a kid there was a NYC radio station that would rattle off news headlines. The slogan was "You give us 22 minutes, we give you the world." The station still broadcasts, but it's been propagandized and no longer just rattles off events. I know even the choice of story involves bias. I still would just like a long list of headlines to choose from.
hahahaha is this a joke? I have news for you: there's no such thing. They all lie or are puppets of bigger masters. All you can see is just disinformation not informing people. ALL OF THEM.
From a propaganda perspective I know it's hopeless. I can try to weed through both sides and come to an approximation of what I think the truth is. The problem is that it's all repetitive propaganda stories. I just want an approximation of a straight news feed: Earthquake here, fire burned down a building there, Syria shot missiles into Golan Heights...
From all the years in communism and later watching the western media doing the same thing (but with more colors and fun) I realized that the only way to get the best "news" is to not consume them.
By consuming their propaganda you are just giving them a reason to exist, they literally feeding from your fear and concerns.
Just relax, do your own business and move away. The world is much better without them. Bitcoin is the best example or destination to where you should dive in, when you are overwhelmed with their garbage news. There's so much to learn about Bitcoin that you will never finish.
I will repeat this over and over: focus on merchant adoption (if you are not a coder that builds bitcoin apps). Is the key to go forward. Be the bridge between bitcoin devs and consumers if you have some good knowledge about Bitcoin.
Just by starving the beast (fiat machine) all the rest will go away, including all those fake propaganda news.
This meme have a true meaning that few still get it...
I agree with your points (especially merchant adoption), but what I'm looking for is a basic awareness of events going on in the world. Call it curiosity.
Follow ZeroHedge on Twitter, not unbiased but usually quite blunt and interesting headlines/articles
I check Zero Hedge all day, but only because its slant happens to coincide with my own 95 percent of the time. I believe they are only a few guys, so there are obvious limits to what they can cover.
You ain't nowhere till you can pay your own way back
My prayers goes out to everyone affected by the current war between Israel and Palestine.
stop calling it war. is a gigantic psyop as it was covidscam. move on, there are many other important things in your life #279712
I'm not going to debate whether this is a war, or not a war. I just wanted to share my message with anyone affected by what's happening. Please respect that!
Why are you affected? You should not. You are manipulated to be "affected"... Because they want you to be involved in something that they created.
You should think about that.
Buddy, please read my message properly. I never said I was affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I was referring to the innocent people from Israel and Palestine who have been directly affected by the conflict. Is it so wrong to prayer for others? Even if we are being manipulated, people are still dying, people are still suffering. That's all I have to say about the matter!
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