It took me quite some time to fall asleep again last night, but I learned to embrace moments like this; like I mentioned before, this is one of the problem-solving hacks, so I started to figure out one of my to-dos: finding a leather craftsman to make a hand-carry big bag for short trips and when in the plane, mainly for my laptop and notebooks and other important things.
I already have the design in my mind, with small details, e.g. how to better organize books and things, because it's so easy to damage the paper if you put it along with other stuff, why not just make a spot for it? So easy yet barely anyone make it, so all I lack is someone skilled to make it happen.
I don't know if it's just me, but after I went down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, I don't like buying already-made things anymore because I want my Bitcoin well spent - something practical, beautiful and can last for years; And I realized that making things with the best people I can find is the way to go, not only I can do quality control but I can also get to see and learn how things are being made from scratch:)
I want my Bitcoin well spent
100% agree!
and it turned out I do LOVE to make things, touching and learning how each material works, and turning ideas into real products, wow.
*also had Pizza Hut 2 days in a row πŸ˜‚
By this rate, we would have more Bitcoiners turned into makers than non-coiners became Bitcoiners?
I mean, if Bitcoiners figured out how to run nodes and make cold wallets, even run their own banks, what is stopping them from making other stuff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
β€œEvery bitcoiner starts a podcast or meetup” πŸ’€
I will be the last man on Earth having a podcast...
I used to enjoy podcasts, but If I could read about the same thing, I would prefer reading now πŸ˜‚
Not all good bitcoiners want to do other stuff. I know personally some very good ones, that are literally lazy doing other stuff than bitcoin.
oh, for me is Bitcoin enable me to explore other fun stuff πŸ‘€
I find, focusing on my breathing helps me fall asleep when I struggle to catch zzzs.
You should checkout @theleathermint on Twitter. They're a bitcoin-only leather craftsman.