and it turned out I do LOVE to make things, touching and learning how each material works, and turning ideas into real products, wow.
*also had Pizza Hut 2 days in a row πŸ˜‚
By this rate, we would have more Bitcoiners turned into makers than non-coiners became Bitcoiners?
I mean, if Bitcoiners figured out how to run nodes and make cold wallets, even run their own banks, what is stopping them from making other stuff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
β€œEvery bitcoiner starts a podcast or meetup” πŸ’€
I will be the last man on Earth having a podcast...
I used to enjoy podcasts, but If I could read about the same thing, I would prefer reading now πŸ˜‚
Not all good bitcoiners want to do other stuff. I know personally some very good ones, that are literally lazy doing other stuff than bitcoin.
oh, for me is Bitcoin enable me to explore other fun stuff πŸ‘€