I think most of that list is well beyond a "normie", but the 24/7 aspect is a real place to start.
  • Can save a lot by using LN instead of credit card
  • No more Paypal freezing user's balance scenario
  • Can bet on football result using DLC, can also hold fiat by shorting 1× BTC/USD
  • No more Sunday bank holiday lol
  • Micropayments (good for 3rdworlders)
  • Foreign workers scenario
  • Easier access to weed & drugs
  • No more giving id & 7 day waiting process just to set up account
  • Brain wallet is underrated asf
  • What else payment network could offer 0% fees digitally ?
  • Savings & low time preference
Normies don't see credit card fees or work outside the country they live in and they don't have low time-preference.
However, if it makes sports betting easier, that's huge. Btw, on that note, I just discovered that FreeBitcoin has NFL betting.
No more giving id & 7 day waiting process just to set up account
The lowered friction of online payments in general is huge
no more of this shit
We see the problem with that, but people are used to it, so they don't care.
Factually sad
I've definitely heard complaints from some normies about this awful UX
Just gotta get them their first taste of paying with LN
yeah I'd say maybe only 2 of these resonate with a normie: cheaper fees and 24/7
Those are the two I've really heard people complain about. The other one you might get some traction on is irreversible transactions, but people will only want that on the receiving end and will be turned off by it on the sending end.
On top of this, understanding why we need decentralization to facilitate cheaper, global, 24/7 payments instead of centralized custodians is another uphill battle