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politicians, shitcoiners, TWATTER
  1. asymmetrical gossip, ie social duplicity
  2. the deluded or people seeking to delude
  3. extreme askers
  4. unconscious competition
This list speaks to me. Each and every one of these items
It's basically a list of social vampire traits lol. They suck the marrow from introverts like no other.
What do you mean by asymmetrical gossip?
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what this is
Oh um broadly people representing how they feel about you/other people very differently depending on the context. But the pathological form is a kind of whisper attack where people try to turn people's opinions about you negative while pretending to be friendly.
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lol whisper attack is term I just made up
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askers vs guessers is very interesting. I've never seen this concept formalized before
Yes, very good to know that this concept exists. @nout explained it well to me in terms of European culture (ask) vs American culture (guess)
I am definitely an asker born into an (imo) extreme guess culture since my parents are from Asia. I think that's why I became an asker.
I just hope me and @k00b never collide (at least not too much) because of this :)
I think it's just a balance of thinking enough beforehand what is reasonable to ask ("to guess") and being straightforward ("to ask").
/me wonders what this is though?
me wonders too
I wouldn't classify you as an asker. The type of askers that I collide with do so to conserve their energy at the expense of everyone else. Your kind of asking is mostly curiosity.
In the end it's hard to find a single word for the whole culture of communication, so I wouldn't over index on the name. It's a good idea to first think "I wonder if he said that because of his background and culture" instead of "what an asshole". Sometimes it's the former sometimes it's the latter.
  1. Talkers, those talking all day without actually doing anything or pretending to know everything but actually don't.
  2. Human droids, those who only know what is being told instead of using his/ her own brains to think.
  3. People who wait to be spoon-fed everything.
all classic cases of NPCism
We all are victims of entropy.
influencers on X
Obviously the german commie government. But I opted out. It's the hearsay... and concerning the MSM I am lying
In this level of "starvation":
  1. shitcoiners - are a direct threat
  2. politicians - indirect threat
  3. twatter - is just noise
If i get a meeting request and I'm forced to use Microsoft teams, instant energy sapper
NPCs who are oblivious to the reality of the world, while we wait for them to wake up. The worst part is that they don't even know that they don't know
Long staff meetings which could have been conducted more efficiently when personnel just email us what they want to inform us instead of forcing everyone to assemble to hear them talk from the slides
FIAT.. Its perpetual debt. You born enslaved to it. National debt.
Being right, most people can't relate to the ways I have been right, it really isn't fun