Heck Yeah! I used to do that for my Art. Wprkimg on reclycled paper is more pleasing... I haven't done it lately, couple of years at least, so thanks for the reminder. I've got lots of paper ready for recycling... ...good morning and happy Sunday, my plebs... Live, love, and inspire! #myrtlebeach #sc https://imgprxy.stacker.news/WE2J1VuJpzyToUzWzMo-o-5_GYyzCfUnBfoPl9L9m9k/rs:fit:600:500:0/g:no/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uemJkLmdnL3VnYy11cGxvYWRzL2QxNzFiNDQ2LTE2OTQ5NTMxMTY3OTkuanBlZw