Did anyone ever try to make handmade paper? It can be either made from recycled paper or trees.
One of the reasons why I learned this is because I often write many things on paper, so I would need to learn how to destroy them safely. Going outside to find a shredder is too much work, I prefer something simple, and here is a good solution I found:
  1. Sock the paper you want to destroy, ideally 2-3 days.
  2. Tear them into smaller pieces, it's much easier to do this while everything is underwater.
You can pretty much throw them away by separating them at this stage, but if you want to level up the fun, the only extra tool you need to have is a small wooden frame, which you can also easily make at home; then It is amazing how you can play around making different sizes and thicknesses, coloring with herbs, decorating with flowers, or even experimenting the smell with essential oils πŸ‘€
It’s very time keeping. Spent some time working as a book binder and the feeling of handmade paper is nice to work with ok some projects - nightmare on others when you need paper grain lol!
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That’s so neat, I remember doing this with cloth and a screen.
The flowers are a nice touch πŸ‘Œ
thanks πŸ€“ it is always full of fun when getting your hand dirty - I love the freedom of being able to try and test things out.!
Heck Yeah! I used to do that for my Art. Wprkimg on reclycled paper is more pleasing... I haven't done it lately, couple of years at least, so thanks for the reminder. I've got lots of paper ready for recycling... ...good morning and happy Sunday, my plebs... Live, love, and inspire! #myrtlebeach #sc https://imgprxy.stacker.news/WE2J1VuJpzyToUzWzMo-o-5_GYyzCfUnBfoPl9L9m9k/rs:fit:600:500:0/g:no/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uemJkLmdnL3VnYy11cGxvYWRzL2QxNzFiNDQ2LTE2OTQ5NTMxMTY3OTkuanBlZw
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ugh I don't have a lighter with me, and fire could potentially cause accidents.!
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water is also magical, and it's so easy to find everywhere
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One of the most interesting things I have learned from my travels and experience is that the best place to live is often well-kept, and there are many unknown ( often easy ) ways to get residencies, but not many people promote those because, well, why attract more people to destroy the beauty and peace? πŸ˜‚
But then you would see many marketers promoting those expensive ones yet with averaging living quality, because more money is being made in those well-designed programs.!