This was already answered here. Prior to 2013 was not a HD mnemonic wallet, so you would have to sweep that private key into any HD walleet, like Electrum.
But if you forgot it from 2013 until now... I sincerely think l YOU DO NOT DESERVE THOSE SATS, loser.
Bitcoin is ONLY for the brave and knowleadgeable, not for ignorants that do not DYOR and learn. But I doubt it you are the real owner of that private key, you are for sure a scammer.
Damn I accidentally sent your dumbass 100 sats lmao
Maybe try not being such a fucker right off the bat ShartCoin.
Are you're this upset because I got bought cheaper sats than you? You're really this mad because I have 0.033 BTC that I bought for $40 sitting in a .txt file and you don't?
Did you read my bio ?
Your attitude is unwelcome regardless of how important you believe you are.
Fuck off and move along if you want to be a toxic c*nt to those you're "educating". I'm not interested in being scolded by a toxic Star Wars geek for asking to be pointed in a direction lol