Howdy friends..
founds some old bitcoin private keys from 2013, not quite sure if that wallet has anything in it, or really what to do with it.
It starts of with 14 characters, a forward slash, 44 characters, a plus symbol, 62 characters (ish), a plus symbol, 8 characters, + then a string of characters ~120 ish, ending on a equal sign
anyone help point me the in right direction if I have something worth looking into here?
I think this wallet had 0.033 btc in it
This was already answered here. Prior to 2013 was not a HD mnemonic wallet, so you would have to sweep that private key into any HD walleet, like Electrum.
But if you forgot it from 2013 until now... I sincerely think l YOU DO NOT DESERVE THOSE SATS, loser.
Bitcoin is ONLY for the brave and knowleadgeable, not for ignorants that do not DYOR and learn. But I doubt it you are the real owner of that private key, you are for sure a scammer.
Damn I accidentally sent your dumbass 100 sats lmao
Maybe try not being such a fucker right off the bat ShartCoin.
Are you're this upset because I got bought cheaper sats than you? You're really this mad because I have 0.033 BTC that I bought for $40 sitting in a .txt file and you don't?
Did you read my bio ?
Your attitude is unwelcome regardless of how important you believe you are.
Fuck off and move along if you want to be a toxic c*nt to those you're "educating". I'm not interested in being scolded by a toxic Star Wars geek for asking to be pointed in a direction lol
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Or maybe he'll declare me an unworthy scammer lmao