Anything that is likely to provide positive inflation-adjusted returns. Stocks, real estate, starting a business, etc. I know there are people who think those are all shitcoins, but that's silly. In any case, holding only bitcoin as a hedge against inflation in the near term is just dangerous. If you're on SN you probably believe that bitcoin has the properties necessary to become a superior form of money, but that requires market recognition, and as someone famous once said "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent".
The "market" broadly speaking is very irrational. I do think that individual assets can be bought up for cheap. I'm not really a huge fan of efficient market theory.
Do you mean that stocks and real estate require trusting third parties and are thus bad investments? If so, you're right in the sense that you trust a government to not violate your property rights, but that's also true of your car and any other physical thing you own.
Land (only if farmable with a free flowing water source sufficient to crank a water wheel and provide all electricity needs), seeds, livestock, heavy equipment & power tools, precious metals, raw material commodities like copper/etc., Rolex watches, maybe some luxury fountain pens, 10 yrs worth of storable food & emergency supplies, guns, ammo, the DIY Encyclopedia & other reference style materials, etc etc
House/land/property. Mortgage rates aren’t great now but low rates for the last 30 years have made property a good investment, rising faster than inflation. With a relatively small down payment/investment, you can see good returns.
People need a place to live. Outside of a large systemic shift, private property will still exist to rent-seek of you want to landlord.
CPI is totally faked and manipulated by gov- I agree that property is the best non-bitcoin inflation hedge. But apart from a growing population area, it does not "outperform" vs inflation rate
No I don't have alternate sources, I'm proposing alternate methodology.
The way I see it, the housing price index is a much better inflation number than CPI- while allowing for divergence based on demand in population-growth cities/towns.
Real estate works but most people can't buy it without leverage (i.e a mortgage). Some people can't get a mortgage and by extension can't buy it at all.
Ironically these are also the reasons there will always be people that need to rent it.
Four sheep (1 male, 3 female) and a covered wagon, like this guy. Without something like Bitcoin, you're gonna become poor like everyone else, so you might as well have a food supply. Three female sheep can produce more milk/cheese than a single person can consume, so you can trade some of your dairy product for other stuff (eggs, beef, clothes, tools, etc). That lifestyle wouldn't be easy for most people, but hardship is better than starvation.
I am starting to realise you cant hedge inflation when its a result of lower productivity. Hard money purchasing power shrinks when productivity shrinks. And i believe alot of the inflation we are seeing is due to a drop in productivity. And boosting productivity is a generational thing. I think. And freedom is certainly one of the neccesary ingredients. Sry for rant. But the powers that be are probably going to double down on restrictions, redistribution and control, as productivity shrinks and inflation increases, which will lower productivitiy and increase inflation further. I want to call it a death spiral of sorts. And BTC not going to help imo. Its not the solution? But who knows.
You, good sir, are a fucking idiot, and I made this website specifically for morons like Peter Thiel and you.
After you take a look and see the error of your ways, I will accept your apology.
Should you choose to not humble yourself, you are also a fraud and no morally better than fiat criminals. Ok, I now actually read the rest of the post, and I suspect this will be the unfortunate outcome as you fail to even appreciate what Bitcoin does.
It is ironic, for this level of idiot doomer is likely an archetype that was engineered as a psyop to render susceptible individuals fully impotent. Curious if anyone here has been able to cure any of them? -- they seem equally emotionally immature and intransigent as fiat maxis.
P.S. fuck you for trying to normalize the leftist fiat new speak -- inflation refers to monetary inflation, not prices inflating, fucking noob. 🤡
Collectibles are tricky.
A relative of mine valuable collected oriental rugs, and also a certain other type of antique.
After his death, it became apparent that as a store of value, they were very bad. The rugs lost value, also many of them had moth damage.
The other class of antique that they had - it became unpopular. Nobody wanted it.
So - you may get lucky with the collectibles. I would never bet on them, though.
Buy digital mining stocks 😜 that's gotta be the loophole right? So long as those Muppets keep mining and holding bitcoin I think they're a decent bet to succeed.
If it wasn't bitcoin. Something would have filled that void. Bitcoin was/is inevitable <thanos.gif> besides they do mine more than just BTC. But I get your point, without BTC we wouldn't have all the others... Probably... Maybe. I still kinda think something would have filled the space BTC now occupies.
But... To try and answer your question without looking for loopholes.
Maybe hydrogen vehicles/infrastructure. Most of its already there. The current gasoline system/pumps could be converted to take hydrogen fairly effectively I think. Techs still in its infancy, but it could be a legit route. Especially if fusion becomes a reality, it's "waste" product is hydrogen... Sooo... Waste product becomes fuel for the transport industry.
My music records collection. Still buying new records, but main reason is that I love music, not that to be inflation hedge. That's just a side effect.
I second this, buying the right record (and sometimes luckily being ahead of trend) paid off greatly for me in the past. Limited runs, out of prints, etc. There’s really a big market for it since it’s hold sentimental value for buyers. Tho the « scarcity » isn’t verifiable and merely production-driven. I mean, nothing prevent them from re-releasing a specific record
Debt. Buy the things you want on long financing plans, buy a home, I'm buying solar because its basically guaranteed electricity prices will increase with or without inflation where I live, over time that investment will look better and better as inflation eats the debt and electricity prices rise.
It used to be that "worthless gold"...
It is not so shinny anymore since it seems the price is suppressed. Not nstural. Look at that triple monthly top. I wonder if that would happen to Bitcoin too after all ETFs are approved. Price suppression and control.
Equities are a vastly superior pseudo-monetary asset to gold or property and it's not even close. Moreover, in a world in which sound money is something that cannot emerge (I am imagining not just bitcoin not existing, but some alternate laws of physics that make anything other than fiat impossible), you can expect the monetary premium of equities to asymptomatically increase (so gold & property at best may sometimes achieve store of value parity). In fact, the equities may become such an excellent pseudo-money, that people may even seek to denominate a portion of their wages, and other supply chain contracts (composite currencies).
Jurisdictional arbitrage would lead to the counterparty risks not being as unworkable systemically as one might think -- the reason investment flocks to America is rule of law and protection of private property. Obviously, I don't think this is acceptable to compromise individual rights (not that this is even viable) and many atrocities would occur. I only describe it to highlight that even a dystopian world would be productive rather than facing a doomer style collapse. In fact, the productivity gains would likely exceed the accelerating losses from destruction of liberty, paralleling what we have seen in past decades, and growth would continue outside of the edge case of sudden fertility collapse.
Not to mention, in holding equities rather than gold/property in this scenario, you actually are exerting your will on the world i.e. you are truly alive. Gold/property would be opting for exit over voice, but an exit to an insular life, not to some other, greater world. The climate alarmist wants no carbon, which has the logical conclusion of suicide for "minimal impact". It may be a slippery slope to be a true maximalist of absolute zero counterparty risk that also ends in suicide, for even if you live in total isolation off the land in the Alaskan wilderness, you are "trusting" no nation will be incentivized to ever hunt you down and kill you. If you take your own life, nothing can ever be taken from you.
(Not sure how my initial comment ended up here as a reply, meant it to be a top level response @k00b -- sure, my fault, but maybe something to be aware of -- threading and indentation is very subtle on dark mode.)
The shortcoming: They don't provide guaranteed ownership like Bitcoin does. They don't provide only lowest-risk inflation hedge. The advantage: over long (!) periods of time they provide participation in value-creation not just value-stable.
cash baby