For 1990 - 2022, FRED data shows US home price index at 368% vs CPI at 148% (vs the 100% starting date in 1990)
Can't deeplink the specific queries... I think?
CPI is totally faked and manipulated by gov- I agree that property is the best non-bitcoin inflation hedge. But apart from a growing population area, it does not "outperform" vs inflation rate
do you have sources for non-gov inflation data to share? I don’t have a sub for the shadow stats to pull out specific time frames.
All models are made up, some are useful.
Housing prices and CPI are manipulated, but if you can up with some sources that would help
No I don't have alternate sources, I'm proposing alternate methodology.
The way I see it, the housing price index is a much better inflation number than CPI- while allowing for divergence based on demand in population-growth cities/towns.