I am starting to realise you cant hedge inflation when its a result of lower productivity. Hard money purchasing power shrinks when productivity shrinks. And i believe alot of the inflation we are seeing is due to a drop in productivity. And boosting productivity is a generational thing. I think. And freedom is certainly one of the neccesary ingredients. Sry for rant. But the powers that be are probably going to double down on restrictions, redistribution and control, as productivity shrinks and inflation increases, which will lower productivitiy and increase inflation further. I want to call it a death spiral of sorts. And BTC not going to help imo. Its not the solution? But who knows.
Hard money purchasing power shrinks when productivity shrinks.
Overall value of goods on earth can still increase when productivity shrinks. It just increases slower when productivity sinks.
Also, with the current milestones in AI, robotics, bio-engineering the productivity outlook looks good
We have a degrowther here 🤡🤡🤡
"drop in productivity"
You, good sir, are a fucking idiot, and I made this website specifically for morons like Peter Thiel and you. https://civilizationmetrics.org
After you take a look and see the error of your ways, I will accept your apology.
Should you choose to not humble yourself, you are also a fraud and no morally better than fiat criminals. Ok, I now actually read the rest of the post, and I suspect this will be the unfortunate outcome as you fail to even appreciate what Bitcoin does.
It is ironic, for this level of idiot doomer is likely an archetype that was engineered as a psyop to render susceptible individuals fully impotent. Curious if anyone here has been able to cure any of them? -- they seem equally emotionally immature and intransigent as fiat maxis.
P.S. fuck you for trying to normalize the leftist fiat new speak -- inflation refers to monetary inflation, not prices inflating, fucking noob. 🤡