How about we stop treating women like they can't do everything men can. How about we stop making posts like this which is just feeding the patriarchy more and more.
This is why women stay away from things that men get into, because they feel like they won't be accepted in the communities/groups/ect just because they're women. And the fact that most men are still sexist, misogynistic pigs that think women aren't just as able and willing and in a lot of cases better than men.
My observation has nothing to do with misogyny. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Oh they don't? Then why do you guys on the conservative right continue to push the facts and data and science to the side when it doesn't fit your rhetoric and your propaganda? Why do you claim the facts and data are 'fake news?'
Also, Your observation absolutely does because you made a post about women not being involved in bitcoin in your experience. It's misogynistic for the simple fact that you ASSUMED women either don't want to be or aren't informed enough to be involved with something that men are involved in just because you personally haven't seen it. That screams sexism bro.
Now, back on your knees for your fuhrer the three time indicted, twice impeached, ex president.
You do know what I observe in my little space may be different from yours??? Should I go all SJW because I don't want to hurt your feeling? That is what I have observed in my space and your feelings or social justice warrior spirit can't change that.