One thing that the past 3 years taught me is that most people don't care about freedom. Most people will gladly trade their own freedom, and those of their neighbors, for personal convenience and security. We can fight, but the numbers feel overwhelmingly not on our side.
I agree. I feel there's some inevitability to qhats about to happen
I do not agree. Most people care about freedom and when there is a traumatic event, a fear based propaganda, many people become in trance within a group. Once fear or trauma is over, people can appreciate again freedom (if there is still some freedom left).
Sort of. But a lot of my life feels like it's been one traumatic world event to the next. And looking back since the 60s feels similar. Appologies I'm speaking with a western lens. Theres a few good calm years here and there... but yeah. The pandemic really ramped things up and now Ukraine Russia war.
πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« This all is so tragic.
I see. Thank you for your view. I was in Europe but I guess by living in Asia for a long time, I was kind of disconnected from others, so I didn't see it this way.
The saddest truth
I'm not sad that soulless, artless followers are walking into a meat grinder.
The sad thing is that you woudn't feed it to the dogs.
Better to run.
I already know where I'm going, roughly speaking, and I'm not gonna be around the rise and inevitable rapid collapse of the most fascist, totalitarian system to ever appear on this planet, but they cut their connection to what feeds and funds them every day more and more, it's not for nothing that Nazi Germany barely lasted 7 years. And although many don't realise this, the CCCP was going through famines right around that time, having high youth unemployment, because of the attempt to coopt the rural culture's decentralised farming traditions.
If you imagine for a moment, that as an American you are in the modern day equivalent of pre-war germany. What would you have done back there? Go to the USA, I think, like Einstein, like Mises. And the same happened for the russians a couple of decades earlier. Many good russians survived because they saw it and went west, through europe, and a lot to USA.
One of the most peaceful places on the planet at the time.
Where is that now? I think there's a few places that are pretty far out of the way of trouble without a total absence of access to the global market. And lots of places that are just probably not gonna be easy to police because of the culture and terrain.
No diseased fascist system like we see today in the West lives without depending on their plunder of the wealth of the rest of the world.
Do you think the BRICS want to keep using petrodollars? Why then should someone be attached to a country that has been colonized by the bankster elites and turned into a soviet communist crypto-nazi hellscape. Like they did to Germany in the 20s and 30s with the stock market, making it ripe for war. And china's got a severe military service age youth unemployment problem right now.
Us in the West are literally living in the same kind of historical moment as it was for the germans and russians in the early 20th century. I don't want to wait until I see brownshirts marching to enforce the pronouns.
None of it adds up to "fight the system" in my opinion.
I agree. By "fight" I was being hopeful. I feel a looming sense of inevitably tbh.
You message is a lot to unpack but the historical markers you're referencing speak much truth.
I'm saving your post to come back and read it more thoroughly later. Cheers
So, where would you go? I also need to form my exit plan but unsure of where/how.
Well, I dunno exactly except that with the work we are doing, and in light of Tornado Cash, probably safer to be away from Europe for us, and the parts of South America not overrun with communists, drug cartels or PMCs are a good option. The region is just not that strategic or cheap to dominate due to all the forest and mountains.
Probably it isn't bad in thinner populated parts of the balkans, just was too close to the action for me last year and I went to Sarajevo and yeah, now I'm looking towards south/central america because of its relative peace compared to europe, asia and africa.
I'm just a humble cough programmer, but I don't want to be in a place where what people do with it becomes my legal liability. What the hell kind of attitude is that towards science? AI devs are doing far more dangerous things than network and bitcoin devs.
Interesting. My feelings are always balanced between the courage of those who try to make things better among in places where society is degrading and the easy way of just running away. The later doesn't solve anything but I chose this. I want to go to South America next year to try, but that being said Asia is fine too. Not much violence, big food markets, etc. The sea can also be beautiful. The big advantage of South America I guess would be that spanish is easy to learn. I can't go to China because of their non-sense requirements related to the corona virus, but even there I think the control of the entire country by one political party shouldn't be total in the Western part (and historically TaoΓ―st people were not in favor of the government and were in favor of a more religious way of life).
Yeah, one has to evaluate the odds of victory, or at least progress inside of a 50 year timeline to be motivated to do it. Many people just do it out of other reasons unrelated to reality and that's a big problem. So much wasted lives.
I say better to strip the low hanging fruit first, if for only the reason of maybe next time you want to climb higher for a harder job, such as back home. My homeland is a hellscape too, and I really don't want to go back there as much as I miss my immediate family.
I believe that southeast asia is a good option, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Malaysia, Phillipines. I have a friend who is in Vietnam, it isn't bad there. The peninsula that ends in Singapore is probably the eastern equal to the Balkans.
They have these at the Whole Foods we go to. Even my wife recognized it as dystopic.
Do people actually use it?
I’ve never seen anyone use it. But if they’re pushing ahead with it it might be getting used enough.
If it doesn't get used and adds cost they'll remove it. I think this is most likely and what I hope for.
They do?! Wooooah. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ€― yes. Dystopic.
I don't know how it is in the US but I just go to the supermarket to buy things which are like toilet papers or water. If in the US there are small producers like in the rest of the world, I think by just avoiding going to these places and go to buy food from small producer is a good way to fight peacefully.
My biggest regret 2 years ago is that I bought a book on Amazon, but now that I have experience with DRMs (unable to download a copy on my computer), I will avoid Amazon as well.
Fascists move within their corporate hegemon. It does not extend very far outside the large cities of over 100k people or more. Usually the limitation is how profitable it is to send out agents and enforcers to try and subjugate the people who resist and hold to their cultural traditions.
I do like to emphasise that. If your city voted blue both in city hall and the state parliament you might want to move to a smaller place that's a bit harder to get to from those kinds of places. The evil people are lazy, remember this.
Only reason I've found myself in a whole foods is to return an Amazon purchase. May this tech die quietly.
Amiriki sok entar negara lain pada ngikutin biometrik semua,banyak maling sidik jari nanti.kenapa tdk sekalian iris scanning/iris payment.ah dasar Paimin menyusahkan saja
have you flown lately? the airports do facial tracking! it's too late, baby!
Wait, where is the biometric information stored? E.g. iPhones (and all Android phones afaik) store biometric information on a secure subsystem in hardware and only send hashes/signatures to the cloud.
Does Amazon want to store the biometric information (not just a pk) in the cloud? Or does it somehow do a local connection to my smartphone? Are they serious? This is a huge no-go.