Interesting. My feelings are always balanced between the courage of those who try to make things better among in places where society is degrading and the easy way of just running away. The later doesn't solve anything but I chose this. I want to go to South America next year to try, but that being said Asia is fine too. Not much violence, big food markets, etc. The sea can also be beautiful. The big advantage of South America I guess would be that spanish is easy to learn. I can't go to China because of their non-sense requirements related to the corona virus, but even there I think the control of the entire country by one political party shouldn't be total in the Western part (and historically Taoïst people were not in favor of the government and were in favor of a more religious way of life).
Yeah, one has to evaluate the odds of victory, or at least progress inside of a 50 year timeline to be motivated to do it. Many people just do it out of other reasons unrelated to reality and that's a big problem. So much wasted lives.
I say better to strip the low hanging fruit first, if for only the reason of maybe next time you want to climb higher for a harder job, such as back home. My homeland is a hellscape too, and I really don't want to go back there as much as I miss my immediate family.
I believe that southeast asia is a good option, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Malaysia, Phillipines. I have a friend who is in Vietnam, it isn't bad there. The peninsula that ends in Singapore is probably the eastern equal to the Balkans.