One thing that the past 3 years taught me is that most people don't care about freedom. Most people will gladly trade their own freedom, and those of their neighbors, for personal convenience and security. We can fight, but the numbers feel overwhelmingly not on our side.
I agree. I feel there's some inevitability to qhats about to happen
I do not agree. Most people care about freedom and when there is a traumatic event, a fear based propaganda, many people become in trance within a group. Once fear or trauma is over, people can appreciate again freedom (if there is still some freedom left).
Sort of. But a lot of my life feels like it's been one traumatic world event to the next. And looking back since the 60s feels similar. Appologies I'm speaking with a western lens. Theres a few good calm years here and there... but yeah. The pandemic really ramped things up and now Ukraine Russia war.
šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« This all is so tragic.
I see. Thank you for your view. I was in Europe but I guess by living in Asia for a long time, I was kind of disconnected from others, so I didn't see it this way.
The saddest truth
I'm not sad that soulless, artless followers are walking into a meat grinder.
The sad thing is that you woudn't feed it to the dogs.