So, where would you go? I also need to form my exit plan but unsure of where/how.
Well, I dunno exactly except that with the work we are doing, and in light of Tornado Cash, probably safer to be away from Europe for us, and the parts of South America not overrun with communists, drug cartels or PMCs are a good option. The region is just not that strategic or cheap to dominate due to all the forest and mountains.
Probably it isn't bad in thinner populated parts of the balkans, just was too close to the action for me last year and I went to Sarajevo and yeah, now I'm looking towards south/central america because of its relative peace compared to europe, asia and africa.
I'm just a humble cough programmer, but I don't want to be in a place where what people do with it becomes my legal liability. What the hell kind of attitude is that towards science? AI devs are doing far more dangerous things than network and bitcoin devs.