I had a little trouble with it when I started my remote job. A standing desk helps out a lot! Makes me feel free to walk away and come back to my work.
Started a gym membership. Getting there when I can to do cardio. The numbers on the screen are good PoW.
Been trying to actually plot out my day including meals. Kind of feel like OMAD is the way to go. But I need something during lunch so I don't gnaw at my hands lol.
A cheaper and healthier alternative for cardio would be a nearby park (rather than a gym with artificial lighting). Being out in nature has all sorts of benefits. After running take your shoes off and walk around, feel the tickle in your soles... grounding is extremely important.
I used to do OMAD by accident because I was too lazy to make something to eat haha
However, I also did 16/8 intermittent fasting on purpose and it showed great effect.
I also used to be quite competitive regarding running. Tried to reach the club of sub 17: run 5km in less than 17 minutes. My record was 19 minutes. Was very interesting to notice that I consistently did hit 19 minutes with only +-3 seconds.
The numbers on the screen are good PoW.
So yes, I can relate.
Nowadays I'm dead just running for 20 minutes without caring about my speed, lol