Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
I am starting a bamboo plantation. All things considered it is possibly one of the best backup crops for the world (And it practically needs no special care after a few years, it will become self sufficient). The leaves are green all year, even during winter & snow, and as such can provide emergency nutrients to livestock. The new shoots are also edible for humans. You can make tools and shelters with the older stronger canes. And it grows very quick (But only in april for the most part). So its nice to be able to have something low tech to fall back on, in case the switch from fiat to Bitcoin makes government go berserk and scorches the earth.
Nice idea. Just got to be careful with certain types of bamboo.
Don’t grow it near your house because it can pop-up anywhere, up through the floor or where you least want it.
From what I gather it needs plenty of pruning. It’s strength is being able to grow super quickly, being strong & re-sporning from underground, but that can also be its weakness - if not prepared to actively stay on top of it
cool idea. how long does it take to go from bare land to your first bamboo harvest?
From what i understand it takes 3 years. They say the first year it sleeps, the next year it creeps and the third year it leaps.
Got our custom signet up and running and working on some LSP improvements for Mutiny. @benthecarman is also working on moving all the browser storage to IndexDB instead of local storage. From there probably continue abstracting out wasm things from mutiny core so that it can run on any device in any programming language. @wefofficial is working on getting the new design and frontend framework of mutiny up to parity with the hackathon proof of concept.
Are you all doing anything special with private keys?
I imagine most XSS attacks can be mitigated with very restrictive content security policies when Mutiny is used in modern browsers - especially considering mutiny's only external "content" comes from chain/gossip/invoice data - but have you come up with anything more sophisticated, e.g. storing keys in a sign only mode using the Crypto API?
Last I looked at Crypto API, there wasn't anything in there we could obviously use or add significant protections for on the XSS side. We do have client side encryption of the sensitive data stored so that needs to be decrypted first before private keys are loaded. Until something like VLS is ready and feasible for some people to run themselves, we are treating the LN side of things in the browser (and in the beginning on chain side too) like a hot spending wallet. There more things that can come on the mobile side or hww side later in the future, and for more advanced VLS stuff but some of that could be year+ down the line.
Our fire bureau, like many, seems to still be in the tech dark ages. So I’m working on a personal project that is essentially a web scraper that will alert my phone when we get calls. Includes a link to google maps so I can route myself in. Easy mode. And it’s a chat bot so anyone in the bureau can subscribe and use it.
I’ve learned a whooooole lot doing it! This whole personal project thing seems like the best way to teach yourself new things. If I need to learn something now I use ChatGPT to get started then find a way to build a little project instead of tutorials and stack overflow.
I agree - personal projects and messing around with different tools is absolutely the best way to learn. I'm not sure how far along with your process you are, but you might wanna check out IFTTT - stands for If This Thing, Then's a pretty handy tool that's kind of like an API of APIs, at least it's an easy to use glue that binds a bunch of other shit together. I've used it with twilio's API, which it's already configured for, to do stuff similar to what you're aiming to accomplish. It's especially easy if whatever phone number you're using is linked up to something like google voice. Worth checking out for sure. Zapier is also pretty good and in the same vein as that, as is for a true no/low-code solution I'll always love IFTTT.
Totally - but I’m trying to do “full code” 😜
Develop, maintain and deploy a full application from scratch that handles time sensitive alerts and needs 99.999% uptime.
My thoughts: would you like to use your own Matrix server for collaboration and not Discord as Discord is centralized?
Yeah I'm definitely interested in civ kit but refuse to use (and not allowed to join) discord.
Either that or set up a matrix bridge into discord.
Yes, Matrix Federation with your own homeserver and its bridge feature (I haven't used that yet) makes it top notch for private, sovereign, "almost" anonymous communication.
  • Setting up another dedicated node for a project. This time a CLN using embassyOS on a old Ubuntu.22 laptop, first experience pruning BTC core. Surprised by how easy has been to setup and install it on a VM...
  • playing around with Parmanode (so funny)
  • and trying to understand the process to setup something like this
Wasn't there a big unresolved bug with CLN on pruned nodes?
Not done yet as it's still syncing, and thanks for the head up! The only info I found is here but not real solution for it... anyone knows if my intent is worth the time waiting for the sync?
Other apps I'd like to install
  • BTCpay server
  • LNbits
  • RTL
If you are OK with the tradeoffs this could be interesting: (by fiatjaf) and it's designed for CLN. Never tried it though
Shall I install it before BTCcore finish the sync? Not really that technical so maybe need some support here ...
You could install it alongside Bitcoin Core. Once it has synced you can pass user/password and it will use your bitcoind instead of remote blocks. Read the README, it's all there:
add-apt-repository ppa:lightningnetwork/ppa apt update apt install lightningd mkdir -p ~/.lightning/plugins echo 'disable-plugin=bcli' >> .lightning/config cd ~/.lightning/plugins wget tar -xvf trustedcoin-v0.6.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz cd lightningd
At work, I'm fighting poorly-documented Microsoft software (but I repeat myself). It says everything is fine, but it's only grabbing some of the data it says it's supposed to. I promised myself that the last job would be the last time I work with Microsoft software; and not following through with that promise is now it's own punishment.
Outside of work, I spent a little time on a project to turn a Tandy 100 into a modern-ish computer. I watched a teardown video and noticed that the keyboard, display, and motherboard use separate circuit boards. Which means I can replace the motherboard with some other modern computer mainboard and leave th keyboard and display unmodified. I haven't figured out what motherboard to use, but I know that I'm not going to use a Raspberry Pi (too unreliable under load). I wanted to go with a Novena board, but those aren't being made anymore. An MNT Reform is way too expensive for this project. I've also considered putting a netbook motherboard in there, but that'll be a lot of work, so I'm gonna make that the last option (even though I have no other options at the moment).
Finishing up login and settings (just NIP-05 to start) for Outer Space.
tbh it's taken me longer than I want and I'm rationalizing it as setting better precedents, ie creating a medium viable product rather than minimal viable one, but I might also be full of shit and should've just shipped something faster.
Whatcha gonna use for client side lightning integrations there??
Ready-only connections to non-custodial nodes for receiving. Then whatever makes sense security-wise for sending (LNC, alby, etc) ... and a custodial 100k sat-capped wallet for n00bs that overflows into a lightning address or the aforementioned node connection.
It'd be fun to try to embed Mutiny when we are both ready for it. XSS attack surface widens a lot when you have user generated content, but it'd be fun.
Come to @wefofficial talk at btc++, he's gonna demo it on a replit frontend. Will be ready before you know it and would love to help on the integration side.
Async sends and receives is the solution everyone is waiting on for a full p2p solution for something like SN, nostr, etc. But that's probably half a year away.
I'm having so much trouble getting a contact form to tell the user that their form was submitted successfully because I don't actually know javascript XD
Browsers I've tested don't respond to my redirect. When the user hits the submit button, my logs say "Completed 302" but the browser does nothing.
I think this is because the user submitted a POST request and wasn't expecting a GET, but I don't know. I've got a bit of a mess because I threw this nicepage site template builder javascript css and html into the project and did the backend stuff by hand, but now that means I have no idea what the javascript is doing lmao.
Is your server responding with a Location header?
POST and GET shouldn't matter for redirects using 302 even though GET is recommended. I've seen HN using redirects after posting a comment.
Um I don't know. I think my nicepage.js javascript is messing with some things too. I probably should just not use the form classes from that thing's javascript. I think its catching the form contents and doing its own thing with it. (.preventDefault)
I would be interested to see what your problem is, haha
Thinking. Turns out it's also a kind of work once you get really deep into it.
Setting up a new Sovran Pro for a good friend. It is super fun and it gets another full node on the network! Now my buddy can link his node to his mobile wallets. WOo woo.
Deployed node dashboard which should be used in Bridge project for transparency.
Working on a React Native app using breez sdk, a ldk swift app, finishing a Web LN build and working on python scripts for loop automations... we're all over the shop 😂
We've just released the first version of nostr-java. Please check it out: #167445
learning about the T3 web development stack
putting the finishing touches on a new episode of stacking sats later today