I'm having so much trouble getting a contact form to tell the user that their form was submitted successfully because I don't actually know javascript XD
Browsers I've tested don't respond to my redirect. When the user hits the submit button, my logs say "Completed 302" but the browser does nothing.
I think this is because the user submitted a POST request and wasn't expecting a GET, but I don't know. I've got a bit of a mess because I threw this nicepage site template builder javascript css and html into the project and did the backend stuff by hand, but now that means I have no idea what the javascript is doing lmao.
Is your server responding with a Location header?
POST and GET shouldn't matter for redirects using 302 even though GET is recommended. I've seen HN using redirects after posting a comment.
Um I don't know. I think my nicepage.js javascript is messing with some things too. I probably should just not use the form classes from that thing's javascript. I think its catching the form contents and doing its own thing with it. (.preventDefault)
DM me on nostr if you need any help: npub16x07c4qz05yhqe2gy2q2u9ax359d2lc0tsh6wn3y70dmk8nv2j2s96s89d
I would be interested to see what your problem is, haha