Finishing up login and settings (just NIP-05 to start) for Outer Space.
tbh it's taken me longer than I want and I'm rationalizing it as setting better precedents, ie creating a medium viable product rather than minimal viable one, but I might also be full of shit and should've just shipped something faster.
Whatcha gonna use for client side lightning integrations there??
Ready-only connections to non-custodial nodes for receiving. Then whatever makes sense security-wise for sending (LNC, alby, etc) ... and a custodial 100k sat-capped wallet for n00bs that overflows into a lightning address or the aforementioned node connection.
It'd be fun to try to embed Mutiny when we are both ready for it. XSS attack surface widens a lot when you have user generated content, but it'd be fun.
Come to @wefofficial talk at btc++, he's gonna demo it on a replit frontend. Will be ready before you know it and would love to help on the integration side.
Async sends and receives is the solution everyone is waiting on for a full p2p solution for something like SN, nostr, etc. But that's probably half a year away.