Our fire bureau, like many, seems to still be in the tech dark ages. So I’m working on a personal project that is essentially a web scraper that will alert my phone when we get calls. Includes a link to google maps so I can route myself in. Easy mode. And it’s a chat bot so anyone in the bureau can subscribe and use it.
I’ve learned a whooooole lot doing it! This whole personal project thing seems like the best way to teach yourself new things. If I need to learn something now I use ChatGPT to get started then find a way to build a little project instead of tutorials and stack overflow.
I agree - personal projects and messing around with different tools is absolutely the best way to learn. I'm not sure how far along with your process you are, but you might wanna check out IFTTT - stands for If This Thing, Then That...it's a pretty handy tool that's kind of like an API of APIs, at least it's an easy to use glue that binds a bunch of other shit together. I've used it with twilio's API, which it's already configured for, to do stuff similar to what you're aiming to accomplish. It's especially easy if whatever phone number you're using is linked up to something like google voice. Worth checking out for sure. Zapier is also pretty good and in the same vein as that, as is make.com...though for a true no/low-code solution I'll always love IFTTT.
Totally - but I’m trying to do “full code” 😜
Develop, maintain and deploy a full application from scratch that handles time sensitive alerts and needs 99.999% uptime.