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10 sats \ 1 reply \ @c137Heather 14 Dec 2024 \ parent \ on: Building a List of 'Buy It For Life' Products AGORA
I, too have some Amway Queen cookware that looks like new after 30 years
Most of the few opendimes that I have given out have been lost or not used. I agree with other posters- only give to those who have shown some interest. I do like the idea of sats cards. I am not sure the fate of the few of those that I have given. They are so cool but for the most part wasted on normies.
We have a quasi-local Pizza food truck that accepts the orange coin. Whenever we are in that area, we break our low-carb routine to support him. Maybe it's just an excuse to have a cheat day, but it feels good.
"The human brain has rendered the organism’s most basic task,
reproduction, a treacherous affair. That same brain made things like labor and
delivery units, cardiotocometers, epidurals, and emergency C-sections both possible
and necessary."
from When Breath becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
Not an answer to your question but just a passage that I thought was brilliant and stuck with me for many years.
Great article. Thanks. I am not sure if I'll ever get around to reading the paper so I'm glad there are people like you to review it.
I agree, it seems to be a bit much to pay for holding a key. I pay for an IRA with them and feel like that makes sense due to government reporting paperwork, etc. I am likely not going to pay for the personal vault as I never use their services for anything related to that one. If I am unfortunate enough to lose the ability to access one of my keys then I'll have to suck it up and pay, I guess. The decision I am trying to make is if I just want to move it out to a personal multisig (where I would control all 3 keys.)
I am not one of those people that dislikes TV/movies just cuz everyone else loves them. I wanted to like it. but I have watched several episodes from 2 seasons of it and I don't see the big appeal. It's just one crazy, far-fetched situation after another. Seems like a soap opera with cowboys. Most people I know LOVE IT.
221 sats \ 0 replies \ @c137Heather 2 Oct 2024 \ parent \ on: Airbtc - Bitcoin only baby - LFG AMA AMA
Love this! Start9 is the best. My Start9 server was one of my favorite purchases. They are always shipping services almost as soon as it is possible. They also are super helpful when I have had questions. I think anyone who cares about their privacy or sovereignty and isn't super technical would benefit from having one.
I haven't gotten a single extra spin (just the daily) in the last week. I spend, buy gift cards AND stack. I've emailed them but nothing back yet. Anyone else getting NO extra spins?
you are right, it is everywhere. At the TSA checkpoint you can tell them you don't want your photo taken. In a big long line waiting for a flight yesterday, I didn't see anyone else tell them "no." I'm starting to think we deserve what we're going to get.
I've been around so long that I was following FSP when they still hadn't decided which state. It kind of came down to Wyoming and NH. I sort of lost interest after they chose NH.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @c137Heather 21 May 2024 \ parent \ on: The Top Export in Each EU Country econ
yes. very surprised to see vaccines as a top export of a country. Yikes!