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100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Heisenbergbitcoin 20 Feb \ on: 🚀 New Geocaching Meets Lightning App ⚡ builders
When I am trying to play the game, The first step is go to a waypoint. How and where can I find a waypoint ?
But I suppose you use the public transport a lot in Singapore as well , right ?
Or do you use a car /scooter to travel everywhere?
Not particularly nature.
I walk to do normal pleb errands such as grocery shopping, walking to the bus stop to and from office, going to events etc. But Sweden does have quite good greenery even inside the cities. So perhaps a happy complement !
I would eat a persimmon. It’s one of the rare fruits that I have seen which can be 100% eaten without any waste left.
Its even got 3.6g fibre for 100g. More than a banana. So my digestion needs are taken care !
Got a flat tire on my child’s pram as a start to my day. But hey, they installed an LED screen at the bus stop close to my house. It was long overdue. So some sorrows. Some joys.
I usually just write it down in my notebook whenever I get any idea.
Most of my ideas are either software related or content related. And for me majority of my ideas come to me during a shower or walking. I rarely get ideas just before sleeping. Even if I do I’d rather jot them down and go to sleep unless the next day is a weekend allowing me to get up late in the morning.
Mine would look like a room with multiple people in it. I like to call them leaders. One leader for one category.
Family. Money. Work. Personal development and growth.
Each leader has hundreds of subordinates. Each subordinate corresponds to a thought.
Each of the leader competing for more space in the brain to accommodate their subordinates.
Good work cutting out on social media. But doesn’t writing a novel also require significant screen time? Unless you’re going old school and writing on paper.
You left us on a cliffhanger sensei ! Did you finally hit 50000 coins? How much was that in BTC?
Also approximately what year was it when faucets gave out 5BTC !?
@cryotosensei reminder ping
I buy bitcoin because I eventually want to have a corpus that can function as my savings, and possibly for my future generations.
I understand the revolutionary aspect that you described. At least I think. But in reality, in the pleb life, we are bound a lot by Fiat transactions.
Also I have a bit of a tangential question, what happens after the hard limit of total bitcoin is reached? The people who have not purchased it are left out as poor right? Or maybe I can say, still stuck in the matrix? Isn’t that a bit sad.
So this means that if bitcoin becomes the defacto standard then it would mean huge gap between the rich and poor. So how is it a superior currency?
I feel bit hesitant to spend my sats. I feel like it is something I need to hoard.
How do we get to a point where we have a steady inbound supply of sats, so that we are in a comfortable position to spend them?
I know this is not the best solution for you, but just saying it out. How about having a CC giveaway whenever the time suits you ?
You could just zap those CCs to people who you think added value.
This way it’s a win-win. You have 0 CCS which you want. And other people who appreciate CCs get some.
And as a bonus, it encourages engagement on the platform.
I think for me the version 1 stops at step 1. I don’t get upset if the child falls. In fact she fell multiple times on the playground on the second day. And I even let her get up by herself. So it’s not about the actual actions. It’s about how it’s conveyed. So I do understand that it’s normal.
Yes. I understand. I have also stated it in the post. “Everyone knows that children fall”. All I expect was some reassuring words to a parent on their first day ! It doesn’t cost to be kind.
I think climate plays a significant role. Historically Swedish people have grown to be clustered in small groups and communities or even living in solitude to protect resources and survive through harsh winters. This is why they converse in a limited fashion.
I used the word stoicism to mean that there is minimal to no display of emotion.
You are right about Germany and Switzerland. However, Sweden is a more subtle version of that magnitude. After having lived in Germany I can easily say that I think the straightforwardness there is almost on the level of almost being rude. Sweden is a slightly more polite and objective straightforwardness devoid of emotion. Hope that helps you locate Sweden on the spectrum.
Thank you so much for being brave and sharing out your feelings. I commented on your original post as well.
I have some follow up questions on the summarises advises here.
#1 When you say counsellor , do you mean a psychologist?
#5: How do people trust the nannies they hired just for the two hours ? Or do your mean to hire a long term nanny and then take regular 2hr dates such as every alternate week etc?