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We all know that sleep is important.
But when an exhilarating idea barges into your mind and sets fire to your consciousness, what decision do you make about sleep?
Burn the midnight oil? Write on your notepad and forcibly remove yourself from working?
How do you safeguard the intensity and authenticity of your lightbulb moments and creative ideas?
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 13 Feb
I chose not to stay up late, if the idea comes to me just before going to sleep, I leave a note in my Logseq or in a notebook. For some time now I have been trying to better control my bedtime and my time to start the day, and for everything to work I must go to sleep no later than midnight, and wake up at 6:00 AM to start my new day.
Previously I would sleep late, or I would stay working on some pending idea or project until the early hours of the morning, and then I would wake up at any time in the morning, there were even days when I would sleep until 9 or 10 am. (something unacceptable with my current way of thinking)
I get what you mean. Have irrefutable parameters set so that you always feel grounded
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 13 Feb
Definitely take advantage of the moment of inspiration
I can imagine you spending many long nights doing research on your detailed posts
I think you should act on moments of inspiration. Write down as much as you can. Eventually, you'll run out of steam and get tired again. If the cost is one night of poor sleep, that's a good deal.
I'm trying to work my state into one in which even if i don't pen down this crazy idea in my head, the next wild idea will come and strike me, like a constant bubbling well.
I just lay in bed awake usually when that happens. 😁
I can tell that you are a thinker - both the profound n the frivolous
Mostly frivolous 🤣
I usually just write it down in my notebook whenever I get any idea. Most of my ideas are either software related or content related. And for me majority of my ideas come to me during a shower or walking. I rarely get ideas just before sleeping. Even if I do I’d rather jot them down and go to sleep unless the next day is a weekend allowing me to get up late in the morning.
Cool. Do you walk amidst nature?
Not particularly nature. I walk to do normal pleb errands such as grocery shopping, walking to the bus stop to and from office, going to events etc. But Sweden does have quite good greenery even inside the cities. So perhaps a happy complement !
It may be good to take time out just to walk. Singaporeans tend to want to optimise their every waking second - so tiring
But I suppose you use the public transport a lot in Singapore as well , right ? Or do you use a car /scooter to travel everywhere?
Public transport. Buses and subway
ride the momentum and sleep later
or at least write it down before you sleep
if you can't sleep then don't force sleep but I am also a night owl
I have the reverse problem. I wanna stay up late but my body just can’t function. Some nights I wanna post something on SN before sleeping, but 💤 always captures me haha
Then you should sleep
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Feb
I masturbate. Puts me and those crazy ideas about changing the world right back to sleep.
You have great output