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stacking since: #375108longest cowboy streak: 29
Thank you very much for asking this question, which provided a lot of valuable content for further learning and research.
It is sad to say this, but Germany stopped being German after the Second World War, everyone knows that it passed into the hands of Uncle Sam who is the one who governs them and tells them what to do.
And now it seems that it will be conquered by the Muslims who have infested all of Europe, if when the people of Allah rise up the United States does not react by helping their faithful follower. Germany will be taken by the Muslims.
and the few riches that they have left will be plundered, that is why the USA ordered them to sell the Bitcoin, to take them themselves, and prevent those bitcoins from falling into the hands of those who will be the new owners of Germany.
but I do want peaceful co-existence.
Great reflection. This is what many people should think, who live complaining about the animals that live around them.
"I'm sure that before there were thinking humans, there were already animals loose all over the planet."
Our duty is to live in peace and harmony with our environment, and that obviously includes animals.
Great, I'm back on SN.
After a few months I was able to return
I loved seeing that my SATS were still in my SN wallet after months without using the platform.
Great reflection, I am trying to create a habit around writing, I was never a writer but I was a thinker. And trying to retain my ideas was always a problem, now I try to have more control in applications like "Obsidian" which I only recently discovered... And of course the most significant thing for me has been SN. For a long time I was just an observer on SN and other social media apps, I often didn't find the reason to express my ideas. But SN has changed that way of thinking about me thanks to the power of sats and not only because of sats, I admit that I came here looking to win sats, but then I understood that in SN winning sats is secondary. It is something that will happen to a greater or lesser extent anyway, the greatest value is in the community and the great variety of valuable information, other perspectives on the same issue, etc... Without further ado, SN and tools like Obsidian and of course Bitcoin are the way to find improvements in our daily lives. And as I heard while learning from "Obsidian". "Everything that we can measure, we can improve by knowing how to interpret the data and the deficiencies that we find in ourselves"
It is incredible how the lack of adequate knowledge differs from the results we can achieve. Before starting bitcoin, I easily used the same key for every aspect of my life, a super mistake that I corrected once I fell down the rabbit hole of privacy and cyber security.
The true Awake stackers will not put their btc on one of those platforms or on any similar one... But we should not ignore the mass (liquidity), the majority does not know bitcoin but there are already many who know it and manage it, and in turn Let's not ignore, what is the main thing that attracts people to the world of cryptocurrencies? (Quick Profits and the Dream that your Next purchase will make you a millionaire). That is to say, today we have Stackers and Bettors, both use bitcoin but they do not have the same foundations or objectives.
I think that there is still a long way to go before the total collapse of the Dollar as a world reserve currency... It is not convenient for the elite that people understand where the money comes from, and how it really works. But it cannot be ignored that thanks to BTC, and these BRICS, the US loses a lot of power in the dollar and its use as an economic weapon against countries that do not follow its dance rhythm. Gold and Bitcoin are our only economic tools to preserve and fight for our freedom and power to store energy...
Wow I like your photos, that black and white tone gives one the feeling of traveling in time through your images... Your work is fantastic and inspiring
Great to read this article. @lunaticoin mentioned this in a podcast I heard recently... And the truth is that it is something I want to delve into, and develop at some point. Thanks for the information
🎉🥳 to all Stackers.