Great reflection, I am trying to create a habit around writing, I was never a writer but I was a thinker. And trying to retain my ideas was always a problem, now I try to have more control in applications like "Obsidian" which I only recently discovered... And of course the most significant thing for me has been SN. For a long time I was just an observer on SN and other social media apps, I often didn't find the reason to express my ideas. But SN has changed that way of thinking about me thanks to the power of sats and not only because of sats, I admit that I came here looking to win sats, but then I understood that in SN winning sats is secondary. It is something that will happen to a greater or lesser extent anyway, the greatest value is in the community and the great variety of valuable information, other perspectives on the same issue, etc... Without further ado, SN and tools like Obsidian and of course Bitcoin are the way to find improvements in our daily lives. And as I heard while learning from "Obsidian". "Everything that we can measure, we can improve by knowing how to interpret the data and the deficiencies that we find in ourselves"
Thank you, and thank you for writing out such a thoughtful comment! I was in the same mind as well, being an observer and lacked the confidence to express myself, but all that has changed because of this community, and it has transcended to my offline life as well, as I am much more comfortable with expressing myself and getting my point across to others.