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19 sats \ 0 replies \ @02d769cb73 13 Dec \ on: John Carvalho proposes BIP renaming sats as bitcoin bitcoin
yeah i got that, however, your post linked others that Darth has contention with - maybe that led the thread in a certain direction - plus the post defines him as a bully - i don't accept that he is - grumpy, yes, and confrontational in disagreement, sure...
anyhoo, i'm just passing traffic here, so who (or what) anyone is or isn't doesn't matter much to me, so i'll leave it there.
meh - honestly, looking thru the thread, OP comes off as overly sensitive, a few others glom together being snide, and Darth mostly seems on point - i don't have hard evidence as such, but over time it's become apparent to me that there are various trolls and spooks roaming here - personally, i don't mute, and rarely engage too much for it to matter anyway, but it might be something for you to reflect on that some accounts here are inauthentic, for a variety of reasons (if indeed yours is an authentic account, after all...)
This is the plan for Suriname - Bitcoin recognised as legal tender day one, and moving to Bitcoin as unit of account going forward - the export of it's resources settled on the blockchain so the allocation of funding is transparent to the public and insulated from the endemic corruption and fraud it's affairs are routinely subject to currently.
Never could get any of those mag games to work on my Sinclair Spectrum - i seem to remember the print/stapling of the pages would make some lines unreadable, and i had no clue as to what to do with it.
Loading games from a mono tape player worked, mostly, though. Ultimate games were far and away the best - how many hours went to Jet Pac, Trans Am, and Cookie rather than homework, lol.
you have 4 options -
surrender to government.
defy the government.
change the government.
i have made my choices, you and everyone else must make theirs, including authoritarian regressive governments themselves.
they, and all those who choose to suffer them will have to play catch up further down the line.
there is a bigger reality to experience - far from plato's cave and those that exist in thrall to the play of the state's shadows on the wall.
where are these things happening ?
to whom are they happening ?
are they happening to you ?
none of the things you mention are happening to me, because i make the choice not to use Bitcoin on those terms, in those places.
all your positions seem based in fear - fear of what someone else might do.
Bitcoin is something that YOU can CHOOSE to DO.
the people, and the places that allow others to choose for them will suffer for as long as they do so.
maybe they will invoke tyranny, maybe they will experience collapse, maybe they will get wiped out, it's on them (and maybe you).
the solution is of course, to make choices for and by themselves, be it individually, and/or societally.
individuals, networks, and countries are making their choices - this is the journey to Bitcoinisation the world is on - whether it is faster or slower, lumpier or smoother, dramatic or incremental for anyone, anywhere, is entirely dependent on themselves.
it's there for anyone to notice, and experience.
no, it's the reality that anyone can make a choice and act upon it - the choices people make are what matters - different people, in different places, are making different choices - a casual look around the wider world clearly shows that.
the ability of any Bitcoin user to reclaim power, and assert it, is undiminished.
it is only within your frame of reference that anything is being undermined - Bitcoin user unaffected.jpeg
anyone is free to choose to use Bitcoin, or not - and anyone who chooses to use Bitcoin is free to choose the terms on which they do so.
each approach has it's own characteristics, and defines the experience for the user - which at large, over time, is the path, or journey, to Bitcoinisation.
acting in this awareness, anyone can experience the use of an open access, permissionless protocol in any context they prefer - that is the reality.
The usual allegations, also as usual either wrong, or just made up, by a govt always looking to advance it's grip by all and any means - it's a tired psy-op based on the increasingly precarious assumption that the 'authorities' making these statements have any credibility with the public at large they spend their time blatantly exploiting.
This seeming scattergun approach to incrementally increasing state control is difficult to stop though, as although many people are tired of the totalitarian farce the country is degenerating into, the method of looking for any chink in the armour and using it to increase their hold over public life, using 'behavioural science' techniques and nudging opinion on things people know little, or nothing about, appears to be worthy of repeated attempts in their eyes.
Who knows how much more they can impose, or how much worse things can get before broad public opinion shifts enough to change the political culture to a useful degree.
comes on the heels of starmer in the UK, along with France and Germany 'warning' Iran not to attack Israel a day or so ago - Iran responded to the 'warning' saying it's their 'legal right' to retaliate.
Starmer labelled it far right to set a narrative and proceeded to round up attendees of the outbursts and put them through televised show trials as a way to frighten the numpty horde from any further urge to dissent - then a false rumour of a '100 far right protests' was disseminated in the media by the state aligned left wing 'Hope Not Hate' organisation, and when the 'far right' that don't exist inevitably didn't appear at any of the locations named, the left wing rent a crowd was bussed in to the areas, given pre printed 'anti-racist' placards, and the photo opportunity was splashed across all, and i mean ALL mainstream media as a 'victory' against the 'far right cowards'.
Pure behavioural science tactics, as were tested and proved effective during the con trick 19 hoax, used in this context to manipulate people out of dissent, into compliance, and to falsely justify further introduction of online and societal police state legislation.
wasn't an error - it's a deliberate narrative to falsely justify the police state legislation they are bringing in - online and meatspace.
After just 2 months in power, Two-Tier-Kier Starmer's Islamic Labour Party have set fire to the country, blatantly slandered the population at large, engaged in Islamic cuckoldry and extreme vengeance policing on the native people, have had to remove one of their MP's for publicly declaring his desire to 'slit the throats' of the right, and are now trying to intimidate the nation (and beyond) into silence about their actions with deranged thought police suppression of speech and communication.
This evil numpty and it's brigade of venal muppets have burned their bridges faster than any govt i have living memory of, and display their crushingly inadequate lack of character, leadership and sanity on a daily basis - wimps and dorks drunk on power, entirely lost to reason and perspective - the country has descended into a totalitarian farce.