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Pretty much right when I got to stacker, I got involved in some drama where I felt attacked by DC. It really affected me at first. It didn't feel good having someone call me names and put me down. I was new to the space and feeling things out. I posted something as a joke about altcoins, and he didn't get the joke so he did what he does and started shit talking.
I first started in "crypto" in 2017. I learned all the hard lessons. In 2020 I let go of almost everything I had to come live off-grid and mine Bitcoin with solar. A bold move. A psychopath move. This is a hard core bitcoin, low time preference change. I think it's obvious I am not a shitcoiner. But he didn't know that so I got over it.
I have done my best to acknowledge DC for his value and be kind every way I know how. He does a lot of great work and I am grateful. I have tried my best make friends with him. And yet it continues. Anytime in interact with someone he deems a shitcoiner or an "ass-milker", he is right back at it. He never acknowledges my kindness either. He says I am fake and I smell like shit. He seems very angry and to really just like spreading hate. Maybe this is just the character of DC on stacker. Maybe in his real life he is kind, but I doubt it. Either way, I am over it.
To me, this is bullying #705765. When I see him bullying others, it is difficult for me to not want to get involved some how. I don't like seeing others hurt. So I am writing this to all those who feel like they have been victimized. And I am writing it as a reminder to myself.
My advice is to not engage and just mute him. And maybe even downzap if you see him mistreating others. It gives him more power every time we engage with him. It's like feeding a fire.
I am an advocate for real free speech #789553 , and I believe the incentives here on stacker will ways win out in the long run. We don't need anyone to tell anyone else what to share. He can continue doing what he does and it doesn't need to affect me what so ever. Maybe he will do his best to hurt me on here with his sats, like he threatens, but I haven't seen that play out. I have 99.9% positive and productive Interactions here and that is all that matters to me I don't think he can silence that.
There are no gate keepers here. That's why I love it. No one to silence me or anyone else. It is truly unique.
So if you feel like a victim, remember, only you can take your power back. No one can "make" you feel bad. Only that which you give up, may be taken. I have felt triggered by him many times. And I am doing my best to learn to navigate it. This is my reminder. Since I have muted him, I have been enjoying stacker a lot more. I suggest you do the same if you feel how I feel. No need to go tell the teacher, @k00b @ek ,๐Ÿ˜‰. Just take your own power back. Share what you want to share. We are in this together.
I want to see stacker and Bitcoin be inviting to new people. Everyone is on their own journey with Bitcoin. Some people aren't there yet, even on stacker. And I don't think they get there more quickly by talking down to them. I have never convinced someone of something by shitting on them. So let's lift each other up. Let's meet new people where they are and help them understand why Bitcoin is different from the others. Let's lift our heads up high and speak our own truth with no fear. Let's be kind to one another. And remember that bullies are just emotionally immature hurt people. We can be compassionate with them while not letting them walk all over us. I appreciate you reading this. It was kind of a scary to write and share. Mention someone you know that you have seen get bullied here. Help me boost this post so more people can see it if you feel called. I love you all. Have wonderful day.
Happy ass-milking, I mean stacking ๐Ÿ’š
Honestly, Darth is a dick but he's also great to mess with and really get going. He knows I work for Congress and has kept a screenshot of me talking about it to call me a government cuck. So in return for all his BS he will comment I just comment to him that I love him and the government loves him to and well he stops after raging for a bit lmao
I agree. Sometimes there is a part of me that's enjoys engaging. This message is for those who feel hurt by him.
I was offended by Darthcoin once... Then I got over it and moved on.
NO I don't agree with everything he says, or anyone else for that matter. But that is the beauty of Bitcoin. It was born out of financial crisis, is available to all, and the confrontational environment it flourishes in is the reason it will succeed.
Some of the saltiest, grumpiest people I've encountered have a lot of knowledge to impart to others... NOT because they are always right (in fact sometimes they are wrong) but they have been around a while and have seen a thing or two.
At that point it's about... "what to adopt" that we see in others - adopt the good, dump the bad and be your own person with your own values drawing your own conclusions.
Bitcoin has to survive the confrontational/winner takes all environment of an internet forum... because if it cannot flourish in that environment it will never become the trade-medium of the BRICS, and of the world, which is its real future eventually.
People here have a strong mindset and don't mind what Darth is saying or posting. But I'm not ashamed to admit that I felt like a victim. I've always been a lurker and rarely shared my thoughts online. It has benefitted me by helping me explore the best sides of the web and learn amazing things, but the downside is that I can't digest trolls. What he does isn't just trolling, itโ€™s outright abuse and it affects me a lot. A lot. The things he posts can't be called trolling it's pure abuse and harassment.
I never thought Iโ€™d consider leaving a platform just because of being trolled. When it happened to others and I read articles about "how to deal with trolls," I always thought, "Why even care about what random people say?" But now that it's happening to me, I understand how hard it can be to deal with it sometimes.
I asked him a simple question: Who is he to tell others what they need to do? Does he own SN? Thatโ€™s when he got so mad he started spamming my posts and comments with his garbage and attacking anyone who dared to support me. Iโ€™m really sorry, @Desertdave, @IamSINGLE, @LowK3y19, and @coinsreporter, for dragging you into his abuse because of me.
I donโ€™t know what his problem is, but I can tell you heโ€™s very disturbed and seems like a lone wolf. Maybe his family doesnโ€™t love him, or heโ€™s never received the kind of love we all have. He spends over 12 hours here daily, continuously, which shows heโ€™s likely a hikikomori. Iโ€™ve started ignoring him now, and heโ€™s desperate for a reply so he can keep going, but he wonโ€™t get one from me anymore. Heโ€™s sort of succeeded in spamming me, though. You can see that hardly anyone comments on my posts or replies to my comments anymore because heโ€™s been at this for days. Thanks to his reputation, people blindly believe him.
My simple question is if you donโ€™t like any content, just downzap it and move on. But who is he to abuse me?
It's interesting that there are many comments defending him. I acknowledge that he brig a value here by helping people learn with his technical knowledge and guides. But why do some of us think that it is necessary to speak down to people to help us learn? Some people seem to want to be abused in order to grow. I can't wrap my head around that. When someone talks down to me, I just want to go the other way. And I don't want to see people pushed away by words. Maybe I am just overly sensitive. I will continue to help people while remaining compassionate. I don't know a other way. Thanks for sharing.
Make the difference between people that want to learn from me and assmilkers and shitcoiners that are only fooling around.
I don't think people are defending his behavior. I think they are just accepting him for who he is, both good and bad.
Think of it this way: are you proposing that something should be done about DarthCoin? Censorhip, perhaps? Social reprimand? I don't think we want to resort to those things. If you don't like to hear what he says, then just mute and move on.
I dont think anything needs to be done. It's all perfect. The post was really to remind everyone that they need not to play the victim. I feel like I was clear about this.
Yes, you were clear. Sorry, I didn't ready everything carefully before responding.
Thanks for acknowledging that. I feel that a lot of people didn't read the whole post before responding. I could have done a better job framing it.
But why do some of us think that it is necessary to speak down to people to help us learn? Some people seem to want to be abused in order to grow.
Itโ€™s the classic fiat mindset they always brag about hereโ€”how theyโ€™ll โ€œf*** the government, f*** fiat, f*** the banks.โ€ But in reality, their behavior has clearly been shaped by the abuse of the very systems they claim to hate. All his NPCs spend countless hours here kissing up to him.
To me, Bitcoin is about loving inclusion and compassion, not exclusion.
This is the real way. Because of people like DC or thoughts like his, Bitcoin has to always stay "we're too early."
Yeah. I want to help change the world. Not divide it.
For him, itโ€™s all about bragging, abusing, and demeaning others. He thinks heโ€™s some kind of Bitcoin messiah, but heโ€™s too dumb to understand that the future of Bitcoin will never be in his hands. BTC is about the trust we all share a trust that weโ€™ll never face or suffer in a crisis like the 2007โ€“2008 global recession again. BTC represents the freedom to reclaim our rights and throw off government control. But his goals are purely about trolling.
A true BTC maximalist doesnโ€™t spend hours abusing others. Heโ€™s just an 8chan troll who found a new platform after 8chan (now 8kun) when it was taken down and now it has became more censored and couldnโ€™t host his nonsense anymore. Abusing others is just a habit for him, built from all those years he spent trolling on 8chan.
That makes sense. He does seem quite wrapped up being "right" and feeding his ego. I'm all about understanding and managing my ego as much as I can.
You have no idea what you are talking about idiot.
I totally agree with all u said I love the bit when u say his family doesnโ€™t love him enough itโ€™s probably true. I just picture some fat fuck that canโ€™t get a girl to spit on him if his hair was on fire
I didn't say any of that and now you are stooping to his level by saying things like that. Rise above.
oh now you realize the smell of shit, right?
My encounters with darth have been pretty good and in most cases I consider his rebukes to be the tough love of someone super passionate in the space. Even though he may come off a bit rough sometimes, he's usually pointing to something true.
Let the man cook.
He can do whatever he likes. I think there are better ways to educate.
Man, this is just funny.
I got to know Darth when I was a noob umbrel router. was searching for guides, run into his, and asked him if he wanted to open a channel together. The response was like: "what the fuck, what is your node doing..." he made a lot of "requests" to fix my node and then MAYBE he will open a channel with me. It was a long list, and i went to fixing and learning. he answered all my questions, helped me learn new things... my node flourished, and thanks to his advice, now i run only private nodes.
Another time, in a bitcoin telegram channel, I said something with poorly chosen words, and he lit on me like he knows with shitcoiners. was really funny to me, coz he misunderstood my message.
Over time I learned a few things that not many stackers know about him and then he clicked to me.
If you know the latino passion and temperament and his background, I can only feel respect and gratefulness to have him around. can be sure he's not going to sugar coat and will tell you to the face what is necessary, like it or not
I am grateful for him as well. He helps many. I don't deny that. I think we can be helpful without shitting on people. What do you think? Does talking down to people help them learn? I find compassion to be more productive. Maybe that's just me.
assmilkers and shitcoiners deserve a fat bitchslap trough the monitor, for their own sake. it's better to apologise later than not to do it at all ;)
Do you think that is productive? Has anyone helped you change by talking down to you? In my experience, I am better at helping someone make a change by being compassionate and meeting them where they are. Shit talking is childish, no? And I have yet to see him show humility..
i only wish to have had a mentor like him trough life to tell me: "what the fuck are you doing you idiot.." or slap me when needed
I guess I learn differently. I don't like being told what to do in that way. I like for someone to explain why for me instead of putting me down. I guess I am overly sensitive.
he's probably heavily on the spectrum and has poor social calibration so rains down hell on anything perceived as ass milking lol
i wouldn't worry too much, it's just an internet forum after all
I am not worried at all. I am just speaking for those who may feel to afraid to speak for themselves. I love the fact that stacker is open for us all to share however we feel the need to.
I am just speaking for those who may feel to afraid to speak for themselves.
NO, you are just gaslighting and being part of the problem.
I'm just going to exactly do the contrary as you do: to mute you and everybody in this thread giving you support.
He never bullied you, but you are actually bullying him. For anybody reading this, look at this thread from above and analyze what you see: people using "nice" words to passive attack a guy which has written literally thousands of guides and has massive experience of Bitcoin and governments. What are your contributions? Just speaking about being offended by somebody that actually tells the truth about you and people of your ilk.
I'm tired of people who only focus on the forms, and not the substance. We have a name for this in Spain, we call them "ofendiditos", which I guess it means the easy-ofended-fools. Those fools talk about tolerance, while they can't tolerate whoever tells the truth about them. Those fools talk about being bullied, while they bully the same or worse, and search for other fools alliances. Those fools that fall into all traps but get offended when someone points to them they have actually fallen into one.
So, thank you. I proceed to mute you fools.
Darth likes to tell me I smell like shit. Is that true? Are we in 3rd grade still? I don't know. I have never met him so I am not sure how he would know.l I smell like shit. We don't need gatekeepers. and I think there is better ways to teach people. That's just me. I don't need to talk down to people to make an impression.
Darth is a self-proclaimed toxic AnCap. He knows what he believes and why he believes it and AFAICT, he suffers from conviction.
For those who don't understand anarchism, capitalism, or self-ownership, I can see how his words would be considered an attack. He feels that the statist beliefs of others are an attack on his individual sovereignty so he pushes back on any of it in a toxic manner.
I've never felt attacked by him but that's because I agree with most of what he says. Do I always agree with how he says it? No but just because we don't like to hear something, doesn't mean that is's not true.
I like Darth. We need him even if we hate him.
I suspect him and I agree on a lot of things. I still don't see why it is necessary to tell people they smell like shit. There are better ways to communicate the same ideas. He's free to do it however he wants just like I can disagree with his methods.
LOL, when Lord @DarthCoin is not around they beg for his return!
Who does?
Many! No time to search, but He's had a couple time periods away - one for an injury, the other for his citadel or other work.
He does bring a lot of value for sure. Does he have to be a dick while doing it? I don't think so. And I wouldn't miss him personally. Maybe I'm the odd one out.
People think being uncompromising is being a dick. This is Bitcoin. This is freedom.
fuk yo feelings! ๐Ÿคฃ
I guess. I like acknowledging feelings. I'm a compassionate person. And I help people grow by listening. I like my sensitivity and empathy.
Does he have to be a dick while doing it?
YES, with shitcoiners and assmilkers will always be. With friends and noobs that want to learn from my vast experience, I was always generous dedicating my time and sats with them.
You better be my friend than my enemy.
His NPCs and his Sockpuppets.
Look who's talking, the one that create more sockpuppets than all ! The master of sockpuppets.
You are such a lame scammer that you forgot you created here on SN a fake account trying to impersonate me #493050 and then call stackers in a scam post.
I honestly consider @DarthCoin to be a fucking hero. It's difficult, yes. But who isn't? Besides, he's so awake that it's normal for him to see everyone as garbage with no salvation. And I understand that too.
"I think that if you feel like a victim of a man who simply tells the truth, directly and without a filter, you need to grow a lot mentally, because let me tell you that this is just a platform for exchanging ideas out in the real world, there people are really cruel and you would easily be a real victim."
I'm not saying this for anyone in particular, but in general for anyone who feels like a victim of @DarthCoin
How is telling someone they smell like shit, "truth"? I agree we need not be victims. That doesn't mean people don't feel like one. Be careful about having heroes. It's not a good idea in my opinion. He knows I'm legit. He just talks shit to feed is ego. This isn't enlightenment.
I use the word hero because I obviously have a lot of respect for his work and especially his career, that's what makes @DarthCoin worthy of that medal ๐Ÿ… "Hero" in such a case. and without any intention of being flattering, it's simply the truth and as a man I take my hat off ๐Ÿค  to him.
Although sometimes his behavior is that of a piece of shit or rather he is not the most cordial, understanding, or bearer of empathy in the community.
How is telling someone they smell like shit, "truth"?
and on the other question @DesertDave
Here he answers it clearly according to his view of the facts.
When you play with shitcoiners how do you think you will smell? As jasmine? Telling that you smell like shit is truth in your face. And truth always hurts. This is how they fool you...
It's like he is in 3rd grade. There are more mature ways to communicate.
How is telling someone they smell like shit, "truth"?
When you play with shitcoiners how do you think you will smell? As jasmine? Telling that you smell like shit is truth in your face. And truth always hurts.
This is how they fool you...
Be careful about having heroes.
I'm no hero to nobody. I am just telling the truth.
I'm no hero to nobody. I am just telling the truth.
Obviously it's a way of saying that I feel respect for you, for your work and for the value it has brought me. It's not like I'm going to have pictures of you on my bedroom wall or that I'm creating a club of adoring fans of you.
I said many times here on SN:
  • I do not want anything in return from people. I don't want followers, I do not want them to kiss my ass. I just want them to open minded and listen to my words and warnings, because I am not bullshiting them.
  • just read my guides and learn more about how to use Bitcoin
  • no need to zap me sats. I am long enough in Bitcoinlandia and I accumulate enough to live my life. That's why from 2019 I dedicate ALL MY TIME to help people with Bitcoin. Many people cannot imagine how much effort I put in all this.
  • I am sick and tired of all scams and shitcoiners and that's why I am so hard on them. If they behave reasonable, I let them in peace. HFSP.
That's why I say that you are a fucking hero even if you don't like to admit that you are a fucking hero. Hahaha ๐Ÿคฃ Thank you for so much, sir. Don't stop!! And may Bitcoin be with you. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿค ๐ŸŠโšก
This is so whiny. โ€œFeel like a victimโ€ is exactly the problem with our current times. His MO is literally Darth Vader! Darth Vader hurt your feelings?? Be glad you donโ€™t live on Alderaan.
But the funny thing is DC was probably trying to help โ€” you were just too stupid to realize itโ€ฆ ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Did you read the post? How is it whining? I am explaining how we need not feel like a victim.
You wrote hundreds of whiny words.
Will you expand on that?
He's a character...
If you haven't had a run in with darth are you even SNing?
That's a good sign. I guess I am really doing it.
You better do not trigger me and do not let the assmilkers around you... You have good intentions but you are so foolish.
I think itโ€™s good to talk things through.
First time I heard about @DarthCoin was in @lunaticoinโ€™s podcast. I noticed his character quickly. These two people have helped me a lot in my way in bitcoin. Later on, read him on SN and that led me to his Substack. Darth guidelines are gold in paper and they are open to anyone who wish to learn. I do not know how much they could be valued but I am sure that a lot of sats, if he wanted to earn them. So I am really grateful for them. I am just a beginner here but I enjoy every single thing I can learn as I havenโ€™t got a dev background nor tech one.
On the other hand, we are all here to learn and also to have fun. For me, everything in sports is giving me a lot of fun. So I would happy to keep participating in all pools over there, but I fully understand some people may not be interested in them. Fair enough, donโ€™t participate.
Finally, I also support darthโ€™s view of getting rid of the leaderboard. I think is only a way to create more conflicts. Write a post , if someone likes it they will send you sats. Perhaps it may make things healthier.
I think I agree with him on the leaderboard also.
Sticks and stones. Just don't argue back. I've never had a problem with DC. He has the best guides and is usually correct in the end.
Correct about what?
Yea, I forgot to clarify that. I meant correct about his technical guides.
He offers huge value in this area for sure.
You are just the feeder of these assmilkers. You are part of the problem.
Good, I will mute all of those.
let me save this list really quick
meh - honestly, looking thru the thread, OP comes off as overly sensitive, a few others glom together being snide, and Darth mostly seems on point - i don't have hard evidence as such, but over time it's become apparent to me that there are various trolls and spooks roaming here - personally, i don't mute, and rarely engage too much for it to matter anyway, but it might be something for you to reflect on that some accounts here are inauthentic, for a variety of reasons (if indeed yours is an authentic account, after all...)
I am incredibly sensitive. It's how I get my gifts. To be clear, I am not hurting because of Darth. This post was to remind others that they need not be a victim. I am not sure why so many are missing that being the main point.
yeah i got that, however, your post linked others that Darth has contention with - maybe that led the thread in a certain direction - plus the post defines him as a bully - i don't accept that he is - grumpy, yes, and confrontational in disagreement, sure...
anyhoo, i'm just passing traffic here, so who (or what) anyone is or isn't doesn't matter much to me, so i'll leave it there.
Yeah. I could have left all the names out of it. It probably would have been more effective but got less engagement. It's okay. I'm learning. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
I don't think he IS a bully either. I think he shows up as one at times. I don't think anyone inherently is anything. But we choose how we show up and sometimes he chooses to fill that roll on my eyes.
You have to love him or hate him! He is the anti-hero we do not deserve, but need.
I'm from the old era of the net, and so I don't worry about the Darthcoins of the world. I've seen um come, and I've seen um go.
You don't owe anyone here your time or attention.
You're right to take control over your experience of SN. @k00b, @ek, and the other devs have built many tools for us to do so.
I am so grateful for what they are building. This is Mt home online.
He is a maxi character but the good thing of SN you can mute.
It is a beautiful thing. I think we can me maxis without being assholes..
I hear you and truly understand how challenging it must have been to face such negativity, especially when you were just trying to find your place in the community. Just ignore and keep shining.
Thanks. I feel great about it now. I just want to send that exact message to other new users that may feel that way. I see that there are the HFSP types that think there is another way to go. That's just not me.
It makes me laugh when DC fights and insults, I don't know, I have a shell in my feelings, maybe thanks to where I come from, not all of us handle those situations the same way, obviously it's uncomfortable when someone is insulting you all the time, but as I tell my daughter "you know who you are, you shouldn't give a shit what another person says about you". I respect DC's work and his wisdom, that doesn't mean I'm going to let him trample me, but in the end this isn't real life, you don't have it in front of you and it doesn't affect your life (unless you decide so), you can silence yourself and move on. I like that SN is a platform for free expression, in fact on many occasions I have mentioned that one of the things I like the most is that people here are kind in 98% of the comments and if someone doesn't agree with your idea sometimes just moving on and ignoring is enough. What I don't like are scammers, that's why I suggested downzapping scamming users, maybe someone will come up with a better idea than mine to remove or condemn that kind of behavior on SN. There are several angles to look at, the other option is to leave SN as it is and behave like adults, take responsibility for our decisions, if someone asked for sats for food or whatever and another staker decided to believe, then that's their decision, in the end nobody forced them and they are sats that came out of their own pocket, so there would be no reason to get involved in matters that don't concern us. If another user harasses and bothers you, blocks or mutes you, let's make adult decisions.
I completely agree. We cant be hurt by others, especially online, unless we choose to let them. That's all I am saying. DC makes himself an example for this discussion by being the guy who does what he does. Not right or wrong. I am just the type who likes to speak up for people that don't have a voice. Let the free speech prevail.
Otherwise this will become the new Facebook
Exactly. We don't need gatekeepers. We all get to say what we want.
I don't like that part of DC's personality either, but he's right about a lot of things, especially when it comes to assmilking and the rewards gamming using multi-accounts. I never really worried about it because I always thought that k00b was in charge. I don't know if this is the case anymore. Just so it's clear that I'm not defending anyone, fortunately I have the ability to ignore what doesn't interest me. I distinctly remember replying to him (fuck you) in my 22nd item!
Why does anyone need to be in charge. This is bitcoin. We have Incentives. We don't need gatekeepers. That's the whole point of Bitcoin.. Let the ass milkers milk. Let the shitcoiners learn. No need to be worried. It's all going to be okay.
This isn't bitcoin, this is a discussion forum with bitcoin rewards. If those rewards are manipulated, then there's no point because there's no fairness in the rewards. I don't make a living from it but it seems to me that there are people here who do and that's a great incentive to manipulate the rewards. Someone has to be in charge!
I completely disagree. This is a value for value platform using Bitcoin incentives. These things sort themselves out. Why would someone need to be in charge? We have territories with moderators. How is that not enough. Gatekeeping is a fiat thing. If you want that go to reddit and the like.
What you're saying might work if Sn had thousands or millions of users, but that's not the case. And when the user base is small, manipulation is very easy to do. And that's what happens on SN, don't doubt it.
Different views. I respect your perspective. And I think stacker is being managed well. Time will tell I guess. I'm ready for millions of users.
You want to assmilk each others in a territory? Fine for me. But not manipulating the leaderboard and daily rewards with meaningless posts and using sockpuppets accounts.
As I proposed here: #792730
I do not want to be in charge of SN! I just point out scams, shitcoiners, assmilkers so other gullible stackers like you will not fall into their trap. But seeing that nobody is saying anything about those scammers, I took that role and speak lout the truth.
If you do not get that, it's your loss, keep let them assmilking you, but don't try to defend the scammers in front of me... you then became THE PROBLEM and you will smell like shit.
i didn't even know SN had a mute function, learn something new every day
muting me will be your loss, not mine. You will not see valuable information.
i haven't got you muted @DarthCoin, i have another assmilker muted that seems to spam links in every territory, every day, my whole feed is just his shitty low value links posts with zero engagement
It' can be a great tool. I am so grateful for the thoughtfulness the developers have put into making this platform so awesome.
So if you feel like a victim, remember, only you can take your power back.
This is a good reminder, regardless of the person weโ€™re talking about it.
Words hurt when they touch on an insecurity or area where we feel vulnerable.
Words from behind a computer seem to cause more anger when weโ€™re not looking eye to eye in conversation.
I really believe all of us are in this together, every human has a part in where mankind will go. I hope to see this space welcome a new way of being (and a new money system of course) for all who are looking for it.
We should never talks about people but about situation
What do you mean? Why shouldn't we talk about people? I think we should share whatever we like. It's not behind their back. It's all wide open here.
You do not know and you will never know a person, his past, his education, his thoughts.... so you can not juge him
What you should look at, it s the situation. What you can learn from it ? How your emotions behave? How you behave...? ...
I agree with that. I want to empower people to focus on their own self and what they have to offer. I am not judging. I am just wanting to help give someone a voice that feel pushed away from this space as a result of certain behavior. I have learned a lot through all this.
I think the same, freedom of thought is important!!! And without a doubt it is one of the fundamental bases of S.N... and that is why I am still here because I learn on my way to bitcoin and because valuable and true information is shared here..!! Now I cannot deny that at some point I have been able to read the discussions that have been had at some point in @Salรณn Stacker and I have laughed a little๐Ÿ˜…
It can be quite entertaining at times.
It's interesting that this has over 100 comments a a decent amount of sats and it's nowhere to be found on the top or hot pages. Maybe it got a lot of downzaps? I have no idea how that works. Sometimes I share stuff that has way less engagement and still makes it close to the top of the list. I don't get it.
People that are bullies are just people that canโ€™t deal with their own insecurities I feel bad for darthcoin the way he bullies I can tell he has so many insecurities
His experience and knowledge are the excuses of his nasty demeanor! so then a bad memory is associated with bitcoiners, leading to "inferiors" self-censoring, instead of been pleasantly convinced. He's shutting people down instead of sharing the joy of the freedom Bitcoin gave us, neither is he encouraging people to live in a better world and leave the worse ones behind, if fact, he tells them to go back into their stupid choices. People connot be authentic and DC is blinding himself to the authenticity of others. His "******** detector" fails him even if he thinks he has special powers.
Freedom is the individual's power to make his own choice. We should respect other people's decisions. No matter how perfect Bitcoin is and how corrupt other systems are, we all have a choice to make for ourselves if it means consequenses or paradise. DC said, "...pretending to be bitcoiner" but what makes a bitcoiner a true bitcoiner? Bitcoin doesn't care if you dabbled in altcoins or how you discovered Bitcoin. It's for EVERYONE. If Bitcoin's pricipals were DC's character, Bitcoin wouldn't be Bitcoin. DC doesn't represent what Bitcoin truly stands for.
What happens to an unkind pilot? He goes down with the plane, unfit to be a leader and a toxic associate to his fellow team members. His self-censored co-pilot will not help him even though he is aware of the faults that will doom all on board.
Let us love one another as Jesus loved us. I encourage us to not hold DC's offences toward us against him. He has a chance to change.
He is forgiven in my book and I welcome him with recieving arms.
but what makes a bitcoiner a true bitcoiner?
DC doesn't represent what Bitcoin truly stands for.
Read again all my guides. No wonder you deleted a post about shitcoins... #706757 and #702490
Shitcoiners always reveal themselves.
Oh my! Your post is now invaded by his Sockpuppets and NPCs!
I kinda like it because he's zapping himself and increasing the daily rewards.
Look who's talking, the master of sockpuppets and the biggest shitcoiner on SN.
he's zapping himself and increasing the daily rewards.
Dumb ass, zapping yourself is meaningless. And I always proposed the removal of rewards #792730, you are such an idiot
You are such a lame scammer that you forgot you created here on SN a fake account trying to impersonate me #493050 and then call stackers in a scam post.
All engagement is good. It just felt like a good time to have the conversation. I welcome it all.
no, you just stir the shit out with this post
I don't feel I'm a victim and I never complained about DC to anyone. I sure don't like him but I also don't hate him because I'm not here to spread hatred.
I simply suggest everyone to ignore him and yesterday was one big example I wanted to set. Let me explain.
Why does anyone keep on and on with his same thought?
  • If you look at the top comments for today, there are many of his and I'm sure this impacts his chances of churning out more sats. DC has always been the biggest assmilker here.
  • He's trying to make assmilking very popular on SN.
  • He's mentally ill.
Do you want to frustrate DC?
  • Just ignore him.
  • Don't reply him.
  • Mute him.
If you ever get board hes a great guy to screw with if we are being honest. He goes through waves of commenting on my posts about how I am a government cuck and so I just let him know that I and the government love and care for him very very much and it'll set him off and make him go away lol
Exactly. That's what I've been doing. It's a secret but whenever I'm feeling bored or there's some arguments with someone, I'll just recall him. I don't hate him as I said and I'm honest about it.
Yeah I describe our relationship as love/hate... I love him he hates me so I just love him harder. He always ends up losing the good points he has because of how he acts. I don't think anyone wants to be treated like he treats people who do not agree and bend the knee to him.
Yes. He needs love more than anyone else. I saved him yesterday, he was about to commit suicide. ;) Today @DesertDave has taken this responsibility.
I now proclaim today to be @DesertDave day for his sacrifice!
This is the way. Good on you. This isn't so easy to do.
I agree.
Hey dumb ass, I always said: remove the daily rewards and leaderboard ! Make SN "pay to post". Is that assmilking for you ?
Hey bby love and miss you <3 thinking of coming to Europe to visit!