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40 sats \ 1 reply \ @wrangler 12 Sep 2024 \ on: Walking to Walmart Photography
Nice. That makes up for the walking IN walmart part; the worst
Perhaps. Under the radar until the guardians decide to rug users. That’s where you draw the line. I don’t expect anyone to come forward, but doesn’t mean it should die in silence.
Hmm… interesting the difference. Image just for proof.
If you don’t have eSATS in it to test send, how can you confirm working state?
123 sats in my SN wallet. Much more than that in mutiny eSATS. Approx. 7k. Tried various send amounts ranging from 1k through 7k. No difference in error msg I receive (unknown error).
What I was implying with bringing up amount in my SN wallet was that no matter how many sats I receive for this post, I intend to give them all back to the community. I’m not here to try and gain back the eSATS I’ve apparently been robbed of. I’m here to discover what the root cause of issue is (technical bug or rugged) and raise awareness of either.
Not angry really. Very small amount. Not trying to open new channel with LSP, just to transfer to existing LN wallet with inbound liquidity. Lol so much for the ecash narrative.
Hopefully this gets boosted for visibility. I have 123 sats in my SN wallet right now, I plan to have the same when activity on this post dies.
Friend. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. And if I got rugged it’s because freedom one is rugging, not because I self hosted Mutiny and used ecash with it. ✌️
Not sure what you’re talking about. Who says I’m not running a “real node”. I’ve self-hosted Mutiny Wallet, and used it exclusively for the integrated ecash interface for small amounts.
Lol. The latter is what I’ve attempted. The former is what I haven’t attempted. I guess you haven’t read my post…
Thanks. I did hear news of announcement. I should mention I also tried sending out to Fedi, albeit to a different mint, doing so however also resulted in the same unknown error.
Using the transferring out to lightning mechanism is really my last resort for me, as it means I would have to deposit quite a few more sats into ecash balance to reach the minimum amount (100k) which I don’t want to risk. Especially with this unknown error state I’m experiencing when trying to send.
Ever notice a squirrel standing on its hind legs, and rubbing its belly with their tiny front hands/legs? They often do this with urine covered hands as a way to reflect/emit urine infused UV rays into the atmosphere as a scent based means to communicate with other squirrels 🐿️
How is this release for iPadOS? Optimized now (landscape/portrait full screen) or nah?
Can we finally dump Apple Podcasts app across all devices?
A glorious day that will be when it comes…
All the issues I mentioned are now fixed. Thanks for sorting this out @MerryOscar
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @wrangler 22 Dec 2023 freebie \ parent \ on: Fountain 1.0 Has Arrived! podcasts
deleted by author
Congrats on getting this out, I’ve been patiently waiting for the release.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced the following issues after updating:
-Queued Episode list being cleared
-Dowloaded Episodes being cleared
-Starred Episodes being cleared
-Episode list being cleared
-Followed Shows being cleared
-All clips being cleared, including My Clips
Actually the only thing that carried over to 1.0 was my Filter Tags, Settings and Wallet history. Everything Library related has been cleared. Strange thing is downloaded items are still taking up storage space, but do not show in app. This happened one time before in previous update, 0.7.0 if I recall correctly. Currently the app is unusable and it should really be resolved in a bug fix update. Otherwise will have to completely uninstall and start over.
There a so many things wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start. I’ll just say education and understanding are key.
Bitcoin is working exactly as designed. Your problem is temporal in nearly every aspect.
If you are so concerned about bitcoin “failing” then consolidate some UTXOs to make them greater than the fee and donate to core devs. And if we are talking about one UTXO here, then honestly what are we really even talking about? The avg fee right now is about 7000 sats right now (which mind you is still going to miners)… How many people out there using Bitcoin really have <7000 sat UTXOs right now?
Honestly at this point I’m starting to think you just made a burner account to troll