Have you tried:
Any ecash balance you have in the app should be transferred out as well. The easiest place to go is the Fedi app. If you join the same federation in the Fedi app that your Mutiny Wallet app belongs to, transfers should have low fees. The self-hosted version of Mutiny is still able to be a fedimint wallet if that's your desire.
I understand you are self hosting but transferring out might be path of least resistance.
Mutiny is shutting down. (Just in case you miss the news)
Thanks. I did hear news of announcement. I should mention I also tried sending out to Fedi, albeit to a different mint, doing so however also resulted in the same unknown error.
Using the transferring out to lightning mechanism is really my last resort for me, as it means I would have to deposit quite a few more sats into ecash balance to reach the minimum amount (100k) which I don’t want to risk. Especially with this unknown error state I’m experiencing when trying to send.