So Fedi app no longer lists freedom one as a “community” to join, 24 hours ago they did. Let the Ecash rugging begin on the so called “future of custodial bitcoin” 😬🤷‍♂️
Which other hyped up narratives are we going to kill this cycle?
running a mint is way more risky than a coinjoin coordinator
these communities are going to need to be very small and under the radar
Perhaps. Under the radar until the guardians decide to rug users. That’s where you draw the line. I don’t expect anyone to come forward, but doesn’t mean it should die in silence.
Yeah an anonymous mint is going to be as troublesome as running wallet of Satoshi
Still listed for me... Of course I have no sats in it yet but seems to work otherwise...
Hmm… interesting the difference. Image just for proof.
If you don’t have eSATS in it to test send, how can you confirm working state?
I don’t see it