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Any user can became a liquidity provider using this plugin for Electrum, for submarine swaps.
It really, really needs a tutorial.
what nostr has to do with it exactly? Let's say I am a liquidity provider, how and where do I touch nostr while making a swap as a maker?
Swapserver announce themselves every 10 minutes or when liquidity changes with a replaceable nostr event, clients query them and can select one. When doing a swap the client and server communicate over encrypted nostr events too.
nostr is only the transport / communication layer. This is where many people are confused and consider nostr a new stupid social media crap. Nostr is a protocol not a platform!
hmmm, I remember someone saying that nostr will likely even solve the DNS mess. It makes sense now, thanks.
0 sats \ 26 replies \ @ek 27 Mar
nostr will likely even solve the DNS mess
@remindme in 1 year so I can laugh again
why?what do I get wrong? Feel free to school me
you are confusing http with dns. Are not the same thing. Nostr still depend on DNS but not http. nostr relays are using wss (websocket) and is different than http
How to become a liquidity provider in practice? It would be nice to have a common swap market to have all the info of bid and ask of all decentralized markets, bisq2 (future), robosats, electrum now etc..
For Electrum swaps, idk yet, need to investigate more, but they just launched this plugin... Other swap markets here:
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 27 Mar
Any docs about it?
is very new, give it some time