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I'm gonna go out on an optimistic limb here and say much for the better. We will rediscover values and family and institutions and courtesy and shit will get better
I think you're right. I've been saying for a long time that we just need to discover some new norms that help us live in this new world in a healthy way.
The things you mention are important and somehow we'll find our way back to them.
There's a lot of paths there. I think we will find it.
I hope you're right but I'm preparing for this
If SN is the future of things then I agree 100%
This is a very polite site.
I don't know, some jerk is constantly harassing @Car in the @saloon.
80 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 24 Mar
ya for no reason might I add, at least others who hate me trash my name for a reason
I had a good reason though!
Lol, i only did it for 2 weeks.