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Honestly I think VR will get so good, that instead of the internet making people less social, it will make them more social. I also think people will be more kind on the internet.
A larger part of communication is non verbal, that's why you're more likely to get into an argument with your spouse on a ling car ride, because you aren't looking at them.
I think text is one of the worst ways to communicate with strangers, because it's too easy to project. I think VR will solve a lot of that.
I'm gonna go out on an optimistic limb here and say much for the better. We will rediscover values and family and institutions and courtesy and shit will get better
I hope you're right but I'm preparing for this
I think you're right. I've been saying for a long time that we just need to discover some new norms that help us live in this new world in a healthy way.
The things you mention are important and somehow we'll find our way back to them.
There's a lot of paths there. I think we will find it.
If SN is the future of things then I agree 100%
This is a very polite site.
I don't know, some jerk is constantly harassing @Car in the @saloon.
80 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 24 Mar
ya for no reason might I add, at least others who hate me trash my name for a reason
I had a good reason though!
Lol, i only did it for 2 weeks.
VR could be good, but what if people use it in order to get away from the world? To isolate themselves from people and their own misery?
People already can do that with the internet, so it wouldn't change much, I think it would add more opportunities to socialize, there are already infinite ways to avoid people.
That is true. Maybe l have read too many science fiction books, but as technology increases, l think we as a people will become more isolated.
I think we will hit a point of maximum isolation before technology gets good enough to reverse the trend.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @dot 24 Mar

I'm imagining a scenario. Before going to bed, you close your eyes. A multi-dimensional mind-travel device takes you to visit the homes of a few friends. You can send hearts, say some kind wishes, and have a chat with them. Then, you close your eyes again and drift into sleep.
In your sleep, a copy of your mind continues to chat with the mind copies of those frind.
i think that people will dream more, and have both eyes open less. creation starts with creative planning, which happens in the balanced (mediated) mind (the 3rd eye). sometimes this happens over hours of sleep and sometimes after a brief blink of an eye; it makes sense to maximize time in the "mental creation room."
if u think about it, for most of the day, it is unnecessary to have the eyes wide open all the time. however, when it is time to take in the sun, moon, and starlight, they shud be wide open. when one is concentrating on a serious intense task, eyes shud also be wide-open.
so it is possible that people will communicate thru dreams, however idk what that wud look like. there will probably be a dumbed-down version of that thru surveilled neurotelecommunication.
kids already have lost basic communication skills so I imagine just more people plugged into a VR headset with a haptic dick sensor, falling in love with AIs and being generally dystopian.