Morning stackers
Seek EOI for the first stacker 5km fun run
Name suggestions welcome but I’m currently thinking
Lightning Dash 5K
5 k sats entry
Need to be able to provide proof of run with a tracking device or ideally running it at a local park run?
Do you have access to a park run in your area?
Everyone that enters needs to submit there run on the same day. A Saturday date to be confirmed if we have enough interest.
But will give everyone say 4-6 weeks noticed so they can get training
Would any territories like to sponsor the event ~healthandfitness or ~stackersports maybe?
Or would @Workit_LN be interested in putting up some sats to go to the prize pool for 1,2,3?
Let me know if you are interested and if you have any ideas or things I’ve clearly missed
Let’s go!