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I just came in from walking the dog around our neighborhood, which I've been doing barefoot since winter ended. I've always liked walking barefoot.
After my feet got torn up by some sandals that I was wearing on a long backpacking trip, I decided to toughen my feet up, so that wouldn't happen again. For most of the next year, I went barefoot. This was in college, so it was more socially acceptable than it normally would be.
Barefoot walking is excellent for developing the muscles in your feet and lower legs. Shoes are essentially soft casts, after all.
Do any of you like going barefoot?
If so, what do you like about it?
after i started going barefoot and rock-climbing barefoot especially, i have noticed that the toe bunion started to disappear. the operations (bone carpentry) to correct bunions sometimes look pretty gnarly, but people do no learn early enough how to not let the bunion progress, potentially reverse it, and how to use their toes at all.
i am pretty sure that God did not intentionally design people in a way as to be fixed by a bone carpenter later in life (or sometimes early in life).
That's very interesting. I'm excited to see if I notice any benefits.
Yes I barefoot where ever I can. Every day. I played a game of basketball with my son barefoot yesterday even.
I find my energy and overall vibe is lower if I don’t get my feet out into the world.
On days that I have a long one at work or a long week of work and no outside walking or running barefoot I feel different but not in a good way.
Over the last month while I e been off with our new born I think I have worn shoes maybe twice
We hve a tradition of walking barefoot to the famous temples or shrines. It's believed that going barefoot recieves more blessing. I've seen people walking 100s of kilometres to the temples.
I too have done it back in my college time for 26 kilometres, for Goverdhan Parikrama.
Now a days I walk daily for a few minutes in the grass, it feels quite amazing.
Walking barefoot is a daily activity that my two children enjoy. I scold them for it because they then climb into bed with dirty feet. Where we are currently located is a country with a lot of dirt in the air....
Yeah, that's probably the main drawback.
Back when I was a kid, it was a routine - fill a little dishpan with water, and sit out on the back patio with it and a little brush, wash your feet before coming inside for the evening.
I'll bet that doesn't happen much anymore...
I haven't gone barefoot for any length of time for decades now. I have been wearing some sandals with a much thinner sole though. And I've been hearing about the benefits of "grounding" - i.e. feet in contact with ground, regularly.
I don’t go barefoot out of the house, but I’m almost always barefoot inside. Main exception is wearing moccasins in the winter
Yes yes and yeeeees!!
28 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 23 Mar
I like it. But don't do it too often these days. Just around the house and backyard.
I do envy the Papua New Guinea highlanders who have never worn shoes. They can walk over glass or scorching hot sand.
Yeah, even after a year of going barefoot, scorching pavement or spiky plants could still take me down pretty quick.
I do a lot of barefoot walking, and l feel my feet are a lot more stable and developed than others. I also have to wear heavy boots at work, so l dont know how that really affects me.
I don't go barefoot, but it's incredibly good for your feet. Modern shoes are far too constricting. Also arch support is comfortable, but when you have arch support all day every day, your arches actually get weaker.
Is it impractical where you live? I've certainly lived places where it would be a really bad idea.
I'd say it's not very practical, but my lifting shoes are very wide and have a very hard bottom. I'm pretty grounded. This summer when it gets warm, i may even start lifting barefoot because I have hard rubber mats.
the rubber is precisely what blocks the flow of electrons to-and-from ground. another way to discharge or recharge is by petting an animal that has been running around barepawed.
i think that the bigger the animal, the more charge u can exchange with it. maybe that's why people like to ride horses and elephants.
to know and not do to, is not to know
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @gmd 23 Mar
No, but if I did I would wash my feet before entering the house, just like I take off shoes.
I remember being mortified by dudes in college who would go to the communal bathroom barefoot... especially given how bad most guys' aim is.
Yea the bathroom thing is gross
That is gross. I'm mostly walking on either stone, pavement, or our lawn, none of which leave much on my feet. I'd be surprised if it's dirtier than the sweat from wearing shoes and socks for the same activity.