I've been carnivore for more than 14 months now. One thing that's struck me recently is that I'm realizing more and more that - before going carnivore, I ate barely any meat.
Even though I wasn't consciously vegan or vegetarian, and had no moral issues eating meat, I was still "vegetarian adjacent".
The reason I wasn't eating much meat is this - I had absorbed all the propaganda about meat and animal products being unhealthy for you, and really tried to use them just "as a condiment". I would regularly take a recipe (like spaghetti sauce, for instance) and cut the amount of ground beef in half. I was convinced that beef was unhealthy, and should only be eaten as a treat - kind of in line with the US nutritional guidelines. For sandwiches, I would limit the meat in it (usually some kind of pressed chicken or turkey product) to just a couple thin slices.
Back then, breakfast was oatmeal, with all the "superfoods" like chia seeds, almonds, blueberries. Now for breakfast I eat lots of eggs, and usually some beef, with plenty of beef fat or butter.
My health was still better than most people's, because even though I didn't eat much meat or animal products, I did very conscientiously avoid processed junk food, and that's a huge help, at least for not getting fat.
But still, I experienced a massive boost in energy just in the first 3 weeks, of just doing "much more meat". This is BEFORE I went full carnviore, but after I had been convinced (by Nina Teicholtz's book The Big Fat Surprise) that I should eat more meat (and be less concerned about eating loads of whole grains, fruits and veggies).
My link on what a revelation that book was is here: #320715)
I think so many people are in a similar situation to where I was, back then. They think they're not vegetarian, but they're almost there. Meat is really limited, they're eating lots of pastries and sweets, salty snacks, "smoothies", and the like.
Here's my carnivore related posts, in reverse chronological order:
There's currently a propaganda campaign against low-carb diets
I would continue with Carnivore even if I got only this ONE benefit
Weird, oddball health improvements I've experienced on the Carnivore diet
Carnivore diet - looks like it fixed this nighttime disorder for me
Carnivore diet - believe it or not, it healed this oddball disorder for me
Can a keto/carnivore diet heal issues like depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar?
Latest steps in my carnivore path
Carnivore achievements unlocked
Taking a temporary break from mostly-carnivore diet during holidays
Sugar and Alzheimers
Kinda-carnivore diet is leading to WAY more energy
Question for carnivores/carnivore-curious folks
I'm transitioning ... to a more MEAT centric diet
This book is blowing my mind - The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz