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Yes, I did read Fiat Food. I remember liking it, although I was also reading it amongst a flood of other pro carnivore books, so it got lost in the mix a little bit.
Sexual appetite...not really, pretty healthy before and after
More money on food...that's a tough one. I would say that's a big "it depends". If you're previously buying a lot of highly processed food, and then switch to whole (inexpensive, like ground beef) carnivore foods, then you could easily be saving money.
But most of the claims that you can save huge amounts of money are made by people who healed themselves from chronic disease by going carnivore. If you spend potentially hundreds or thousands a month on medications, then not needing those any more could save a lot of money.
I wasn't on any medications. But I also bulk purchased grains like rice, and wheat, and processed it myself, and that's pretty cheap. Now I'm not doing that anymore.
I think as a whole, we might be spending less now, because:
  • Nothing goes bad, or freezer burned. Fruits and veggies go bad so easily, meat stays good almost forever, if you store it properly.
  • the number of different types of items that we buy at the grocery store is so much less. Total of maybe 10 items (ground beef, eggs, butter, etc). It's easier to keep track of prices, and know where to go to shop and stock up.
For instance - ground beef now, at one specific local grocery, is at $3/lb. That's really cheap, so we stock up and freeze loads.
Thanks for your great reply.