My node on Amboss and 1ML:
In May 2018 I created my lightning network routing node, which is now known as, on the host (a well known mirror for linux distributions and other stuff, also managed by me). Back then, I just played around a bit, but didn't really "run" my node. I configured LND's "autopilot" (the old version, obviously), which created a bunch of useless channels. I didn't configure fees. I didn't look after my node.
Some time before November 2018 I started experimenting with rebalancing, which resulted in rebalance-lnd (
In February 2021 I moved the node to my own server, changed the name to and started to look into things more. I added more liquidity, tried to figure out a fee policy, opened and closed channels, filed bugs, ...
As part of that effort, in May 2021 I started lnd-manageJ (, a Java server tool that I use to get useful statistics, send rebalance payments (using Pickhardt Payments), ...
For April 1st 2022 I temporarily changed my node's name to "zero fee routing | lnd". Fun times, for those who still remember "zero fee routing" (which moved to CLN at around the same time). I didn't set zero fees, though :)
Now, almost 7 years after the initial creation, the node is still running fine, and I see decent traffic. I plot my routing details using rrdtool (backed by lnd-manageJ and some ugly scripts), and I'd like to share some of these graphs with you.
I censored the interesting data due to reasons. Sorry. I hope the graphs are still somewhat entertaining!
Forwarded transactions:
Forwarded amounts (in BTC):
The blue lines represent routed BTC with rebalance amounts (red) already deducted.
The blue lines represent routing fees I earned with fees paid for rebalance transactions (red) already deducted.