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Recently (that is, today) I made a post explaining how I had to sell some of my sats to buy some necessary material for college and today I come to humanize myself
I am 18 years old and unfortunately I do not have a fixed income (at the moment) and I have discovered the world of bitcoin thanks to my dad who, despite our complicated relationship, I have learned several things, taking into account that I still have a lot to learn
I've always believed that when you arrive in a new place, the people who are already adapted to that place know how to integrate the newcomers. I realize that's not the case here. Or maybe I had a bad experience with someone here, I want to thank @DarthCoin for telling me that I'm not going to achieve anything without knowing what my situation is, thank you for judging me without even thinking about the things I might be going through
I guess I'm writing this just to raise awareness because if I know one thing, it's that despite my young age, I KNOW HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE
That's all, show that you are not like everyone else and always be kind. Have a nice day!
You will find that most people are quite friendly here. DarthCoin does have a reputation of being mean to newcomers and/or people who doesn't act according to his bitcoin principles.
But he's actually a really valuable contributor. He writes a lot of good guides and is always willing to help onboard people to Bitcoin and answer questions about Bitcoin, even very technical questions.
Thanks for your words, I guess I don't know how to take criticism in such a frank and heartless way.
My words weren't criticism, were simply a warning for you. A truly sincere warning without any sweets, because truth must be told plain, harsh, painful.
You are young and just starting now with Bitcoin, you MUST listen to old bitcoiners (I am in Bitcoinlandia from when you were still playing in sand with toys...). I am tired to see noobs getting rekt and don't know what to do with their few sats earned and looking only to "get rich".
From your own words I saw that you have no idea what is bitcoin and you took a wrong turn. That's why I warned you, like a slap on your face.
I know very well the situation in Venezuela and I know very well how is to live in communism, I myself I lived 20 years of my youth in such terrible situation and I know how is survival. And exactly because of that I warned you.
In your situation (young, clueless, poor, in a tyrannical system), you must do the following:
  • learn what really is Bitcoin and ignore all the shitcoineries around. I know for a fact that Venezuela is a shitcoin place. Don't deny it because I know it.
  • start earning sats, work hard for them and accumulate them, you need a good stash before anything else. You are not at all in a position of spending them!
  • learn how to use Bitcoin with all its features, apps, solutions etc, testing yourself, sending back and forth to yourself.
I wrote several guides for noobs like you, you should read them, before start crying like a baby because I was harsh with you:
Bitcoin doesn't need crying babies, Bitcoin needs strong men, knowledgeable and brave. Don't be a pussy.
🚨 Never take advice or anything from a stranger. 🚨
But in this case, I advise you:
"Do not fight with @DarthCoin, he has no ability to understand your situation, and you don't have the ability to understand its toxic maximalism."
I know very well the situation in Venezuela: the most shitcoin plagued place.
You will remember my words. Always.
@remindme in 3 years