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I want this to be more about what happened in the world that year, rather than to you personally. So, I don't mean the year your first child was born, the year you got married, etc. If you pick 2009, something other than Bitcoin's birth.
For me, it's easy: 1969
  1. The Amazin Mets win the World Series
  2. The Jets win Super Bowl 3 on January 12, 1969.
  3. The Moon landing and Neil Armstrong's walk. ( If you believe it happened)
  4. Woodstock
  5. First flight Of The Concorde and supersonic passenger air travel
61 sats \ 0 replies \ @Blank 22 Mar
2007: Was the last year I remember before smart phones came along and started to suck the life out of me.
  1. The y2k thing was fun. We got "The Matrix" too.
The 90's was just a fun time to be alive really.
Did you party like it was 1999?
I just heard that song on John Mayer sirius channel an hour ago. I haven't heard it in ages.
New years eve I got an underage drinking ticket. So ya.
And chronic 2
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 21 Mar
i do not have a best one as each year is diferent (regarding our age we live, see... one or another)
and we will able to tell at the end of our journey (as we will probably see how everything was connected to get where we end) or not :D :D :D
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @Ne_Mo 21 Mar
Nintendo 64 Released
DVDs Introduced
First Pokémon Episode Aired!!!!!!!!
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Ne_Mo 21 Mar
But what season of 69 was your favourite?
deleted by author
Summer. I had to delete and correct the spelling of Seaver's name. Moon Landing Seaver's near perfect game and pennant run Woodstock
For the 69-memes, clearly
2024, yeah, that's when I finally learned what Bitcoin was all about.
2004 When I first entered into the college. Although we also traditionally speak our 6th -12th grades school as college, but here I'm talking about University.
That was the first and the last year when I studied passionately. Before that I used to work for hours for my family needs, and that was the first year when I first realised how it feels like to be studying with purpose in your mind. That was kinda freedom for my mind. It's not that I wasn't working but teaching 9th or 10th grade students felt much more satisfying than to be a Newspaper distributor or being a salesman of ink.
I choose this year because it was a turning point that completely transformed my life.
Hmmm...good question... My answer is late, but I thought a lot about which year to choose. I finally chose 2023. My reason: It was the first time that two Hungarian scientists received the Nobel Prize in the same year. (In 2023, Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz)
Yes, I know...this is not such a "big deal" for some, but for a small country like Hungary (less than 10 million inhabitants) it is a remarkable achievement
You made me think hard about this question!
I find it difficult to answer it because I’m self-absorbed. I don’t care so much about the world; I only care about my highs and lows haha
But in order to answer your question, I would have to say 2005. Because Steve Jobs gave his commencement speech at Stanford University.
Now, since that iconic speech, word has come about in regard to how Steve Jobs was an abrasive bastard. This still doesn’t take away the fact that his speech impacted me deeply. So much so that I used to make his speech my last lesson when I taught a cohort of students. One year (2008), I even blogged about it. xxxx The (Second or) Last Lesson with CTG 207/218/229
It was a lesson on Life. My favourite kind of lesson:)
You know you like conducting a lesson when you don't tire of revisiting Steve Job's commencement speech 3 times in a week but instead listen to it with the same rapt attention you did when you first encountered it.
Mr Heng's life isn't as inspirational as Steve Job's but i hope my students sensed how a typical product of the Singapore education system and society tries to take Job's advice to heart and struggles to see if this is indeed applicable in our context.
wa, macham like AQ answering. Haha.
2.5 years into teaching, I can honestly say I don't regret my decision. Although there are larger forces beyond my control, I like the process of meeting different kinds of personalities, getting to know them and interacting with them. Although I dread asking the third class to highlight conjunctions and punctuation marks yadda dadda, I feel okay-maybe even energised-once I'm in the classroom.
I never expected to meet interesting students in my profession. It's true what educators say--You learn with your students and from them as well.
Xxx sorry for the Singlish used
Great answer! Thanks
It's a tough one. I'll go with 2020 when we migrated back to our small town leaving the chaotic city behind. It's 1000x better, simple and peaceful here.