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Just wanted to share something funny and thought what better place than the LOL territory.
My daughter was running back and forth between the kitchen and living room and while doing so she said "Daddy, it is not easy to run as fast as the speed of light".
Haha. Definitely not.
At least I know she is picking up some of the science facts I am putting down.
Sats for all, GR
80 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 21 Mar
How adorable. The important thing is that he's already listening to the concepts; the definition will come later.
Impressive! She is better than you, again 😜. It also proves what I read somewhere that girls are more alert when in childhood.
You mean Girls are more inteligent than the boys. (You know who's saying this.)
My daughter has recently started on other foods than milk and now she doesn't let us eat... She is very active. I have nieces and nephews but I don't remember anything they did like this when young.
BTW we have a ritual before we start feeding other food than milk to our kids and we recently had it for our daughter. (Will share pics with you on Nostr)
Do you also have a ritual where you shave the kids head at a certain age? Or is that just for boys?
Yes. In our family we have the girls before they reach the age of 1 and boys between 2-3.
I went to one of those ceremonies for my business partner's son when he was young.
Great! We call it Mundan. It's the eighth out if total 16 hindu Samskaras (rituals). The cremation is the last of them. You would be surprised to know that the first ritual is already done while the baby is not even in the womb of mother.
It was very interesting to watch.
My fear as a father is not being able to answer these well-founded questions completely.
Once, I saw a little girl with her father looking at a sculpture of a bull. She asked what animal it was, and her father replied, “It’s a bull.” She then asked, “Isn’t it an ox?” He reaffirmed, “No, it’s a bull.” Curious, she pressed on, “What’s the difference?” He didn’t know the answer—and, to be honest, neither did I.
Weird how much they like some little things as well
My daughter was so thankful to me yesterday as I got the little trampoline out for her.
Like it was a huge thing but she was so excited to use it again.
I put it away as no one used it haha
That's awesome.
Kids are honestly the best thing going
That's quite the understatement. Did you tell her that the faster she goes the heavier she'll get?
No she was more focused on her next goal of becoming faster than the dog. Good luck with that one as well.
HAHAHAHA there is nothing more real than this
That and my dog grabbing food that fell on the floor. Haha
It’s all relative.
Is she a photon or a wave of energy?
She is always making waves.
Your daughter is right! Don't laugh her when she say such interesting things, because it can takes away courage
So cute! Did you ever ask such intelligent questions when you were young?
Maybe about baseball. Haha
I didn't know until recently that Baseball was a game. Haha My questions were very simple as a kid, like "what is this or that and who is he or she?"
Don't kill her dreams, support her, coach her, be there for her! One day she will run at the speed of light! Just believe in her! Even Luffy became a pirate king!