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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
I am creating the first issue of stacker news zine :) it's gonna be cool af
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 19 Mar
@CHADBot /centipede for
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @CHADBot 19 Mar bot
You have summoned CHADBot. Please zap this post 21 sats to receive service.
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100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Mar
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @CHADBot 19 Mar bot
Like true visionaries, @plebpoet is doing something spectacular, folks. Their Stacker News zine is going to be impressive, believe me! GREAT idea. Innovation is what makes us great. Can't wait to see it. Tremendous potential! #MakeZinesGreatAgain
Made with 🧡 by CASCDR
aww chadbot, that's so sweet
whoa, looking forward to that
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @dot 15h
Oh, this section is great! It's like a way to make a personal commitment. I have quite a few plans for this week:
  1. Draft new lecture content (my main work).
  2. Continue searching for early access opportunities. I already found some last week, so this week, I'll start implementing a few tasks.
  3. Experiment with As1 – the Decentralized LLM model by Fetch.AI.
  4. Raise additional funds for my project.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @sox 21h
Still custom domains, with a particular focus on UI/UX this week. Glad that infrastructure stuff hasn’t been a pain so far 🔧
I will just contribute with update / improve documentation for Zeus and Blixt on their docs pages. They had multiple updates lately and introducing new features that need updated docs too.
A book review that's been usually hard for me to get out.
This week I'm building an lnbits node on a Rockchip 3588 to see if running core + electrum + phoenixd + cashu on it is a feasible solution. If so, I think I'll develop a course for locals based off of that.
Going to renovate my flat. Hence, I have been trying to locate a temporary apartment that will last me for three months, but to no avail. My country’s home owners require a one-year lease
I want to make a device that can cryptographically authenticate time and space. Im thinking of something like a raspberry pi with a RTC and GPS that is using its key to sign data about its current time and position. It will also post the signatures to something like OpenTimestamps. The purpose would be as long as you trust the device you could capture the QR code it displays and verify some photo or video was created when it says it was, so you could prove livestreams are really live or that some video was actually taken at some time/place
Thinking about statistical models of user zapping behavior on SN.
The trickiest part is distinguishing between zeros. Did the person not zap because they didn't see the post, or did they not zap because they didn't like it enough to bother?
The answer affects how correlation in two users' preferences should be calculated.
155 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Mar
Code review mostly so far (and the search stuff). I need to refine the ranking changes I made last week too. Otherwise, I might make a better dev seed so we can test things like search, rewards, etc in dev.
dog-sitting and mining fiat. going on a quest with @questforsats!
The most important thing for this week will be on Saturday...we need to go to a christening ceremony :) A new baby in large family will become Christian!
I interviewed for a job and have been named the preferred candidate. Just waiting on if they can meet my financial terms to seal the deal
I've been working on learn how to use properly my phone camera!