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I guess it should come as no surprise to me but not a single one of these stiffs mentioned bitcoin!
They all had a blend of stocks, ETFs , with broad market exposure so you can get your “safe” 6% per year on average growth and be happy but more importantly pump their bags.
All of these people work on fees or assets under management so in the end they don’t care if your savings actually maintains purchasing power as long as you keep paying their fees they are happy.
One guy did mention putting $10k into gold but not a peep about bitcoin.
It truly is sad how so many middle class and upper middle class people rely on these stiffs to protect their money.

$10k today is good for 0.11874 BTC.

11 million sats that once you buy that is it! No one can ever make more of it. KYC, No-KYC, it doesn’t matter the 11M sats are gone. While stock shares can be created on mass at will at any time!
Over the next 5 to 10 years I am 99.5% certain Bitcoin will do better than whatever these people are suggesting and thus you will be far ahead of the curve then people who follow this advice.
It’s very rare to find a financial planner that recommends Bitcoin. They are just sales people.
any financial planner worth half his salt should recommend some bitcoin exposure, even if it's only 1 percent
Agreed but doesn't seem to be the case. My guess would be less than 20% recommend Bitcoin.
Like you said, they're salespeople. Even if they personally believe bitcoin is a good asset allocation, it may not be good business to recommend it because of normie attitudes towards Bitcoin. (Also, normie reaction to market volatility)
773 sats \ 1 reply \ @optimism 19 Mar
1 Bitcoin mention for a 10% alloc, "maybe even"
Andrew Lokenauth, founder and CEO of TheFinanceNewsletter.com [..] I wasn’t sure at first what-to-do with extra cash, but I eventually discovered that a modest dabble in riskier assets—maybe even around $1,000 in bitcoin—can be a great way to capitalize on trends, provided you’re ready for some volatility.”
Ahh okay I missed that! So out of $100k invested we got one guy willing to do $1k haha
314 sats \ 1 reply \ @kurszusz 20 Mar
Some fact about the article:
  1. 6% yearly income is almost nothing (because of inflation). The inflation will "eat" that profit.
  2. Limited supply (BTC) is always better than unlimited supply (fiat money, stocks, etc)
  3. And the most important.... Large market exposure and excessive diversification is not good (it's very bad)...3-4 assets in your portfolio is plenty enough!
All great points
That's lame. Even if you're a normie, it would seem reasonable to put at least a small percentage of your wealth into bitcoin
I also feel that bitcoin will do much better than other investments. But it doesnt hurt to diversity a small portion into something that you can liquidate quickly without worrying about it. Liquidating bitcoin might hurt if the market is down at that time.
102 sats \ 0 replies \ @Aries 19 Mar
I agree with your view. When looking at Bitcoin, look at the most recent pullbacks. We experienced a 20% drop in value easily. While such drops are not uncommon, a 20% drop can be substantial and may overwhelm an individual’s ability to hold on and wait for a recovery.
Everybody is different, but I know personally I would rather keep a certain percentage in Bitcoin. Keep with the allocation I feel comfortable with and diversify.